
03 November 2016

throne of grace

I am so thankful that I don't have to know if we would have survived these two weeks on our own without Aunt Sharon.  I'm not so sure it would have been possible...All us girls are very excited for tomorrow--Uncle Martin and Doctor Dad are on their way!

This week has also been Week 36--the last week of the school year!--of homeschool, and testing week at both the girls' schools (they go to local schools Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and homeschool Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdays and afternoons)

We started homeschooling in March several years ago, so each year we start a new school year whenever the old one is finished...and this year we finished the first week of November!

So, tomorrow night we will not only welcome home the boys, but also have a fun little "graduation" for Lily from second grade, and Sofie from Kindergarten.

Today, I caught Sofie teaching some homeschool of her own, and I almost lost it:
This is no classy homeschool, let me tell you :)  But it IS a happy school, and sometimes we DO wear pants!

Besides shuttling the girls to and from school extra due to testing and helping Aunt Sharon with some homeschooling, it's been another very busy week at EBS without Matt...lots of little things always come up, and I've just been so grateful to see our staff continuing to step up and give their best in handling come-what-may.  There is a bit of a list for when Matt gets back, but even in a disciplinary student meeting yesterday, I was just astounded at the wisdom, clarity, boldness and love with which each element was handled.  God has TRULY grown and shaped EBS a fantastic staff, to the point where I can say with full confidence continually, "No, what do YOU think? Whatever that is, let's do that!"
This girl thinks NOTHING is more fun than sitting on the potty.
Yes, another picture you really didn't need to see...she's just so darn cute :)

Keep on praying for Emmaus, praying for travel safety tomorrow, praying for Sharon's dear mama Mary who is in the hospital and not doing super well, for our little family and for God's continued guidance and wisdom and HELP as we draw boldly and continually to His throne of grace.

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