
18 January 2016

please continue.

Today was a bizarre kind of day with a lot of enemy effort.

And this is what it led me to...I am incredibly grateful, more than I even know, for those of you praying for us.  

You may not always know what to pray for.  You may not always know why you are praying.  You may not always know how to pray.

But today made me realize how many times His hand has been at work--protecting us and providing for us--that I have had NO idea of.

It is God who knows what might have is God who knows and hears your prayers...and it is God who answers them in ways we may NEVER know.

I am GRATEFUL with my husband and our three little girls to be surrounded by your faithful prayers and supported by a God who SEES and LISTENS and ACTS.


Please continue.  Pray for our walks with the Lord, pray for our marriage, pray for our children, pray for our co-workers and students, their families and churches and ministries, pray for Matt as the president of Emmaus, pray that His will might be done through our lives, that the Father may be glorified, that we would be poured out, that we would be undistracted, that Satan would be entirely ineffective against our lives and ministries and that He would be continually delivering us from evil,  pray that we would never fear, that we would always praise the Lord in all circumstances and that He would make us incredibly small as He expands in our hearts and lives and witness.

Your part in intercessory prayer is not to agonize over how to intercede, but to use the everyday circumstances and people God puts around you by His providence to bring them before His throne, and to allow the Spirit in you the opportunity to intercede for them.  In this way God is going to touch the whole world with His saints.   --O. Chambers

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