
26 May 2014

busy body Moliere

We hit the ground running, jumping full into wedding with programs and menus and seating charts to design and print, dresses to find, and now, sniffy sick girls to get BETTER!
The girls have already managed to get good play time on three of their very favorite American contribution: the playground, and we've gotten lots of good time continuing to get to know Cindy.  Tomorrow starts the slew of annual doctors appointments and Thursday is rehearsal.
The girls are SO excited to be flower girls Friday.  Though Sofie is only allowed to be a "Junior" flower-girl, according to Lily, she is equally excited :)

We've been talking to Junior and the Weavers and Heckmans...So thankful the Weavers are taking good care of Callie (everyone else who offered to take her off our hands wanted her for non-pet reasons)
and for the this trip Junior's about to lead to the mountain with several students...

Like Moliere.  

We need help with Moliere.  

I hate to run his story again, but it's such a beautiful testimony of Christ in him and Christ at work in Haiti through him.  We haven't heard a word from anyone about him, and as he works this summer and prepares for classes in the fall, we need a family around him--praying for him, supporting him, holding his ropes.

If you know someone who might be interested in expanding their life-ministry to Haiti...a family looking to build a relationship somewhere else in the world...a church ready to expand, please pass Moliere's story along!

I was born in Petit-Guave 28 years ago, but I wasn’t raised by my parents, because when I was born, my mom was very sick. 

She immediately gave me to my godmother, a sister-in-law of my moms.  I grew up with her and her family, but when I was in fifth grade, I left there because things weren’t going well and I went and spent two years with my father.

My father was a witchdoctor, and living there with him I learned a lot about the Satanic world.  He worked to train me in his ways, but I quickly found that I did not want to follow in my father’s footsteps.  After two years,  I left him and went to town to continue my education.  During my eighth grade year, I began to follow Christ.

I didn’t have a plan to convert, that was for sure, and my family’s plan was that I was going to be in Voodoo.  But there was a friend of my mine always giving me advice and always telling me that the ways of God were so much better than the way I was going. 
I had always been doing voodoo things but when I left voodoo to follow Jesus and shared that with my family, my father said he would not pay for my schooling anymore.  He was paying for my house.  Now he wouldn’t pay for the house.  I was homeless.  And out of school.  Following Jesus, alone.

I missed two years of schooling, bouncing around from friends' house to friends' house just trying to survive.  Finally, I settled in with one friend, and his family helped me pay for school again. When it was time for high school, he helped me pay for that, too.  I was incredibly poor, and worked very hard to finish school. 

However, after high school, I once again had no one to help me and no where to live.  

For five years, I had nothing but my church. I was in church, I sometimes lived in the church, and I was always working with people there, working in a program they had there to teach people how to do evangelism. 

A group of friends and I started a Bible study/accountability/prayer group called “Spiritual Backup.”  I was studying the Bible a lot, because I had nothing else to do, and a lot of things being taught at our church became clear to me as not being what the Bible said.  As our group started pointing these things out, the church asked us to leave.
When they put us out, there was a member in the group who started hosting our group in their house, and it was this person who said, “Moliere, we need to send you to seminary for this group, so you can study more and teach us better so we can know the truth of the Word from the world of lies.”

The group all agreed, and came around me.  They took an offering, and it was just enough to sign up at Emmaus Biblical Seminary.  EBS gave me a bill, and each month, I take that bill to my group, and together, we all pay it. Every week, we meet together 3 times, and I teach them everything I learned that week at Emmaus.  In this sense, there are 12 of us studying at Emmaus through me!

I want to go everywhere.  I want to hit all the mountains.  I want to make people know.  I see that there are so many people in the mountains that don’t know the truth, and so many people still living in darkness, like my family, like I was, like even my church was.   I live right now in the home of the family who hosts our “Spiritual Back-Up” group, and I want to continue to learn, continue to share, and continue to step out on faith that He will provide! 

Please pray for Moliere, and if partnering with him is something your church, family, small group or organization would like to do, please consider joining his team!

Give by mail: One Mission Society
PO Box 1648
Monument, CO   801320


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