After a few fantastic days in Greenwood, Indiana at OMS Headquarters, Matt is finally back, the bags are almost packed, my dear friend Bex left today, and we're in final stages of lift off!
All our speaking engagements have been spoken, all our meetings have met, most of the people we had hoped to see, we have seen (most. Sabetha and Bethel families and other family and friends we never got to see...we hate that and miss you!), most of the things we had hoped to do, we have done, and most of the ice cream we had hoped to eat, we have eaten.
Vilmer and Lucner were able to be at board meetings, along with most of the board members, including EBS's newest board member, the director of Lily's school in Saccanville. Matt describes it as the best set of board meetings yet, with great conversations, great strides forward, great times of prayer, good ground made, and great times of community.

When we moved to Haiti, it was to surround our brothers and sisters at Emmaus Biblical Seminary. To learn and to teach. To give, and as we quickly learned, to receive. To come alongside and to move forward, together, working to train men and women in the Word for the transformation of Haiti.
We're heading back to Haiti in three days for all those same reasons, but when we see how much has blossomed over these past 6 years and discuss it in meetings like these, we can't help but be excited!
There is a lot of learning, a lot of teaching, a lot of giving, a lot of receiving, a lot of training and a LOT of transforming happening at Emmaus.
So much, by His grace, has been done...and there is more to do, and alongside of family such as these? We can't wait!
This little man is Lucner's new son, Victory, and Lucner hasn't even gotten to meet him yet! I should stop complaining about Matt being gone so much :)
Be praying for us, will you?
...Praying for our big travel day coming up, which after our last big travel day nightmare out of Haiti, just HAS to go better, right? We'd love your prayers Tuesday!
...Praying for Matt, Lucner and Vilmer, and other staff while we get ready for a new school year, finish interviewing and preparing for new students, finish preparing for classes and get ready for orientation on August 22nd!
...Praying for new and returning students and staff as we continue to grow in, pour out and be the Jesus Haiti so deeply needs.
...Praying for all the visiting professors coming in for the first four weeks of the school year, teaching His Word and sharing the gifts, knowledge, experiences and testimonies God has given them.
...Praying for our family as we re-adjust to being home, living in Creole, the extreme heat, a very different day-to-day, missing family, and all the major cultural differences.
...Praying for our marriage, our discipleship of our children, our classes, our relationships with others, our mountain-top experiences and our daily monotonies, our blogging, our conversations, and the meditations of our hearts...that they would make Him known and further His kingdom, for His glory!
We are blessed by and stand on the faithfulness of your prayers!
Thank you!
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