
16 March 2013

Weekend in pictures...

Our pineapple plant (the top of a pineapple stuck in the dirt over a year ago) is finally growing a little pineapple!  Didn't even know they grew like that.  If we're being honest, before coming to Haiti, I thought they grew on trees :)
The girls are on Easter break, and it was super cute to come home Friday to Lily, Ashline and Sofie all dressed as princesses, enjoying being off together!  (Ashline is Lily's best friend from school, and the daughter of Maxene, the Friday Seminary laundry lady)
It rained ALL day Friday, so in the afternoon, we made "gak", the girl's favorite activity.
Sarah's parents are here, so Saturday afternoon, we went to lunch in town...Sofie really does love Naomy.  She just thinks she's a little crazy :)

This is the cleanest, nicest street in all of Cap-Haitian.  Every single time we see it.  I have no idea why!
Bicycle market...

These are handmade charcoal cook-stoves, made from leftover tin.
The bus station...
The basket lady.... 
Where you go to buy...whatever these things are called...porch spindles?
Out of town and closer to home...The rain has been so good for gardens

Road work always makes us cheer...
And home again to the beautiful Seminary campus!

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