
14 March 2013


This morning 16 members of the Seminary, staff and students, attended Milca's funeral.  Everyone said it was a great celebration of his life, and that his wife and children continued to be a great testimony of his love for the Lord and the way that has impacted his family.  Matt and I plan to go visit them next week, and will be grateful to pray with them ourselves.

Around 11 Sarah's parents arrived, and around 2:30, Matt finally got home.  So good to have all of them, and the girls and I are just overjoyed to have Matt home.  My joy is two-fold...both personal and selfish.  When Matt's not here, dozens of people who are usually looking for him figure "Madame Matt" is the next best thing...but she is not.  

These last few days have been crazy full, including presenting the Seminary at the Holiday House to a visiting team by myself (with the girls "help"), fielding and attending to dozens of questions and requests like Edlin's pulled back, catching up on the finances and 3 days worth of grading (boooooo), transportation for the group to the funeral, people looking for Bibles, students setting up missionary trips over Easter break, details for the special services in the afternoon this week, six different invitations to evangelism efforts in area churches related to Easter, a blocked credit card (thank you, EVERY SINGLE TIME we go to America), taxes, an invite to speak at a prison, Lily's finals, and continuing to work out plans for speaking this summer.

So thankful for Abel, who was waiting when our plane landed and carried bags, babies and bills so I didn't have to fight the "welcome to Cap-Haitien" crowd, for Cammie, who so thoughtfully made us enough dinner for two nights which has been fabulous considering all we have right now are eggs and granola bars, for Sarah covering so much while I was gone and for helping a sick-tired mom with the girls, for Lucner taking care of a dozen things Matt normally would have instead of asking me to do it (with his signature grin), for Sam fixing a busted water pump and changing out our propane tanks (I tried, but oh man), for Noel, who slept over last night to help with bed time and the morning rush, and for Mark making 2 airport runs today so that I didn't have to drag two girlies to town during nap time.  

Whop-whop for a great community/body of Christ here in Saccanville!  I was only on my own for less than 3 days, and yet "community" worked JUST like it is SUPPOSED to, and that has blessed my socks off.  Those little things are a big deal.  

1 comment:

  1. It's SO nice to hear about poeple being "the communtiy" that God has always intended!! I love it!!! The US has a lot to learn about that!! As do I.
