
20 March 2013

plague week

Weak, fussy and exhausted...and then there's the girls!

No more vomiting, and less diarrhea, but the girls are just wiped out.  They've got little to no desire to eat, we're forcing them to keep drinking, and now they're just so depleted that we're having a hard time getting them going again.

These days have had me spending a lot of time talking with Jesus.  The little mundane things in life have piled up to being ALL of life for the last few days, and I miss getting out, miss our schedule, miss chats with friends and miss happy little girls.  By this morning, I feel so NEEDY.

We need vomit-clean-up fairies.  Need sleep.  Need a Walgreens.  Applesauce.  Where is my sister?  Need a healthy helping set of hands.  Need an hour out of the house.  Need the girls to be happy.  Need a break.

And let's face least right now, I'm not going to have those things.  But I DO have is His presence.  And that has been key.

I'm pretty confident that is the only power by which we continue to have any energy, patience and sweetness to pour on these two cranky, precious little waifs.  His presence has also helped me battle with worry.

We greatly appreciate your prayers during "plague week", and are now hearing of many other little ones throughout northern Haiti being admitted to the hospital with the same symptoms.  Keep on praying for us with us, and Thank You!


  1. I wish I was there to help you....
    Praying strength for the day for each one of you. I'm so sorry it lingers on; praying that His complete healing come quickly..

    My love and the Lord's blessings. Lori

  2. Oh my, Stacey, what a difficult few days you have had. Nothing worse that intestinal bugs that mess and linger. Praying for the girls and for you and Matt too. Hang in there! Love and hugs. Sue
