
20 March 2013

I'm going, I'm going...

Yes, I should be in bed.  

But if I go to bed right now, then all I did today was laundry, grading, read 100 children's books, wash dishes, make a huge pot of pumpkin spinach chili that no one ate, begged the girls to take a sip, and tried 63 things to make two grouchy toddlers smile.

So instead, I'm watching an episode of Parenthood (yeah, Craig, you got me hooked!), listening to Matt throwing up in the background (yep.  three down.), drinking AirBorne (I am NOT getting sick.  NOT), and thinking about how Ezechiel's toenail was pushing through his dress shoes today outside my door, the same shoes he is always wearing, thinking about how good it was to have lunch with Micheline, just the two of us, while Matt, Lily and Sofie were passed out, thinking how beautiful it was tonight when Lily saw Danielle and Elli across the yard and broke out in a huge grin...the first one in days and days. 

She has such a beautiful little smile, my girl does.  I have missed it.  She told me last night, laying in bed, totally out of the blue, how much she loves Mona, MaCodo and Granny (the women who cook for the Seminary), and I am so grateful she is happy, that she loves her life.

They're doing better.  A few bites, a few smiles, a few Tums, a few trips outside...better.  Little by little.    THANK YOU for all your prayers...I am SO thankful.  Unfortunately,  Matt is keep on, faithful friends.

Two more days of school and a bit of a break, friends Rick and Carol coming in tomorrow, and Sunday (if my three are better), a day I fully expect to be heartbreaking and inspiring at Bois d'Homme Bas, Wood of the Low Humanity.

I gotta do something about Ezechiel's shoes.  

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