
13 March 2013

a quick look into the whirlwind...

-Here's a picture from my sister when they abandoned us on the freeway Sunday for a taxi...on the other side of the freeway...Just in case you didn't believe me :)  Also, stop asking me to send you cigars :)  I'm not turning into a missionary supplier!

-Upon returning we learned that our friend and adjunct professor at Emmaus, Milca, was hit and killed on his motorcycle while we were gone.  He is a solid pastor at a nearby large church, father of three children (between 14-24), and teaches our Church Administration course.  The funeral is Thursday morning, and we'd love your prayers for his family.

-When I got home yesterday around lunch time, the sound system was blaring praise music, and the students were in a flurry preparing for a special service.  We never have big services in the middle of the day, and some investigation blessed my heart.  

A group of students (Beauvil, Leme, Nehemie...) went on a spontaneous evangelism effort Monday, going all through the Saccanville community, preaching the gospel and inviting men, women and children to an evangelism/revival service on Tuesday.  Yesterday from 3-5 that service was held, with students standing at the gate inviting people in.  Belony preached, which is always a good thing, and the chapel was filled.  Today and tomorrow another two services will be held, and I'm excited to have a chance to be there, and more to see the students taking the initiative and personal time to reach out to this community!

-I still haven't heard Matt's voice, but he emailed that the funeral went very well with a great turnout, and was so glad to have been able to be there.  I'm so glad he had the chance, too, knowing from my own grandfather's funeral in December how important it is to be with family when they're hurting.  He returns to Florida today and to Haiti tomorrow morning, Lord willing.

-Lily missed her final exams last week, so this morning she and I spend a while at school trying to get that all sorted out.  Finally, they decided to let her do her finals individually.  They take their tests over the course of one week.  Individually, they asked me to leave for her one hour.  SO, an hour later, and her week of finals is finished :)  Very glad to have that behind us, and now she has spring break until April 1st, which of course, she's very glad about!

-Sarah seemed to have had a great time covering my courses, and the students this morning have assured me that they had a great time with her!  I may have found a replacement :)  Very thankful she made all that happen so smoothly...on to grading!

Thank you for your continued prayers as we try to get our family back together and get things caught up!  It was wonderful last night and this morning catching up with friends and co-workers, hearing of what God has done here while He was at work there and here and everywhere!

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