
02 January 2011

Lily's Day

Two year ago today Lily joined us and changed everything about life forever.  One of our favorite parenting books by Chuck Swindoll, Parenting: From Surviving to Thriving, revolves around one major principle:

The job of a parent is to help his or her children come to know themselves,
grow to like themselves,
and find satisfaction in being themselves.

So far, it has been such a joy knowing that our primary job isn't potty training, chicken fingers, crazy hair and getting Lily to wear clothes...but just taking this gift that He is sharing with us and get to know exactly who HE made her to be, and constantly be giving that back to Him.  She still surprises us everyday as more and more elements of who that is come out.

What a gift...and we are thankful for all of you who have loved Lily, taught her, showed her, spent time with her, sat with her or even those of you who have never spent a moment with Lil but have prayed for her...What could do more for a child than those who have lifted them up in love to her Father?  What could do more for ANY of us?
You can see more pictures of Lily's birthday party on her blog...

Happy Birthday, Lily!


  1. Happy Birthday Yil-ye!

    Uncle Case, Aunt Laura, and Nico

  2. Happy Birthday wonderful Lily girl!!

  3. Well, you forgot to mention those of us who have been humbled by her amazing ability to read! Love to you all on Lily's special day!

  4. Oh Stacey, your stories make me laugh-cry-Praise God-cry-laugh... Please be encouraged to press on.. You and your family are such a blessing to more people than you will ever realize. I am in constrant prayer for you.
