
16 January 2011


What a great weekend with lots of good memories!

Yesterday, Abel turned 50 and Kerline (Maxi's wife) turned 34, so we had a great afternoon visiting and celebrating these two friendships.  Birthday's are just not that big of a deal in Haiti.  In fact, when we entered Kerline's singing "Happy Birthday", half her family said, "Today is your birthday?"  Nonetheless, we took them both cupcakes and sang for them and talked about some our favorite things about them both, which prompted their families to do the same thing and we ended up having a really special time at both houses.

 Myolene and Abel...looking good at 50!
 Maxi and Kerline...Maxi told us Kerline's birthday gift this year was a kiss...and I'm PRETTY sure that's what he gave her LAST year :)

Then today, we went with Dodo and Bubba to Paul's church...hadn't been there for a while and I STILL hadn't met Envangela.  It was great to meet the baby, who we thought looks JUST like Paul, and to catch up with the whole family.  Most, it was just great to be in church, a church that is consistently alive, healthy, and excited to be together and in His presence.  Being there is always our joy, and today was no exception.

This morning Lily even decided to leave Mom and Dad and join the kid section (even though the kid-oversee-er chick was SERIOUS about the kids staying in their chairs and being quiet :)  Lily LOVED being one of the kids and having a baby to stare at.  

 One of our second year student, Mogene, works in this church as well.
 Lily thought she fit in as one of the kids, but most of them never stopped staring at her the whole service.

 Dodo and Bubba had quite the following as well.
 Evangela was precious and content...and not even two months yet!

DoDo and Bubba joined us for lunch, and now everyone that's not old or pregnant is playing soccer, soaking in another beautiful day.  In a bit we are heading down the road to see off our dear friend Hannah, whose one year term is up and she heads back to Oregon tomorrow.  Another sad good-bye!  We've lost Julie, Hannah and Erica in the last month, and Matt, Lily and are feeling the loss of these three joyful, positive, encouraging and hilarious friends.

This week ahead is a BIG week with lots of meetings, students moving back in, financial registration, a slew of marketing projects, several new students for orientation, and new classes to prepare for.

1 comment:

  1. how much fun birthdays can be! Bless you for celebrating something that probably hasn't been celebrated much.

    Kids are so amazing when they think they fit in and believe they fit in.
