
14 January 2011

Maxi's miracle

In the midst of a lot of difficult realities, there truly always seem to be some beautiful things happening in Haiti as of which we were able to experience this week.  Right over the wall from EBS's generator house is the site of a new home that Maxi has been working on for almost 10 years.

For the last ten years, Maxi and Kerline have been living in this house with Kerline's sister, her husband, John-Sius, their two daughters, Naomi and Shayla, their orphaned cousin Venel, and recently also with another of Kerline's sisters, her husband, and their three little boys.  Yes.  That equals 12 people in this house, with only three of them being children.

This has been from the start one of our favorite families.  Maxi has the definite gift of service, and it is always his joy to help us in any way with SUCH a happy heart.  You might remember that Kerline  lost her little girl in the 8th month of pregnancy to poor medical care over a year ago.  We had just moved to Sakenville, and since that loss I have come to truly cherish a truly transparent, real and rare relationship with this unique and beautiful woman.

Anyway, anyway...they have been working on their house for 10 years, and we've (and some of you!) been trying to help them get it done because everyone is very uncomfortable in their current house and because, well, we love them...So it advanced quite a bit over Christmas vacation and when we went to see it's progress on Tuesday, we couldn't believe it!

They are praying to be in before too long now, and that the Lord might give them  ti-mouns (children) to bless it with!

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