
08 January 2022

catch up

It was a busy week, especially for Matt their first week back with doctoral students on campus, but we were so thankful to have had good time with Steve in the evenings and with Sarah all week.  All four kids had such a good time with her, but especially Lily and Sofie, staying up late talking about a million Haiti memories and MK-isms they were all three thrilled to finally be with someone who understood and remembers. 

Yesterday was grandpa's first dose of his first round of chemo and everything went well. My sister noted that while she didn't know how this was all going to go, that she saw mom endure chemo faithfully, trusting in the Lord and pointing out His praises, and that she has total confidence that my dad will do the same. It really reminded me what a gift we had--not in perfect parents, but in two parents who loved the Lord and pointed to Him. I am confident there is no better gift we can give our kids than just growing up in a home with Jesus. That realization takes some of the pressure off, doesn't it. We know Dad'll be strong in HIM, and if my kids, in the end, with a failure mama, always remember that the Lord was everything to me...I've surely done the most important thing right?  Thank you for your continual prayers for him. 

Last night was Lily's birthday sleepover with four close friends (one more down for the count sick) and I had such fun taking them all out to pizza and ice cream and watching "Ever After" and listening to that crew of teenage-y girls. This stage is some stage, but the Lord is with us and in us! The Lord has given her some special friends, and I am so so thankful for that (and for Sofie having a best friend to go hang out with :)  

Tomorrow we have church and then the kids are finally having their Christmas present...three days at Disney this week (after the Christmas crowds and before the Spring breakers). It's only a ten hour drive, but Disney or no Disney, I am mostly looking forward to a few days of family time. Stepping away from work and home, cooking and cleaning, work calls (maybe) and errands for a few days will be a gift with this special crew. We have been once for one day, when Lily was four...and they are all so excited!

Our Haiti team is gearing up to start school again Monday, with growing concerns for February...the time when elections for a new president were scheduled before the president's assassination, and lots of questions over how/when Haiti will once again establish a government and who/how that will be. Keep on praying for our brothers and sisters in this time of uncertainty.  My semesterly Feb/March trip that I am chomping at the bit to take is waiting on some of these answers....answers so much depends on for our friends and family and their daily lives.

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