
04 January 2022

classes, weddings, birthdays, family

I would not schedule a big church wedding, a week of intensive, on-campus doctoral classes, Lily's birthday and a visit from Dad and Cindy for the exact same three days again. We never could have done it without Lady Jane next door, who has housed visitors left and right for me...reminds me of Haiti days hostessing crazy overlaps with Emily. 

Nonetheless, I wouldn't have given any of the sweet moments up...having Phil and Emily's son (our favorite Heckman when he's the one with us!) in our lives for a few days was a gift. I don't ever remember having a much potential as a 21 year old as Ethan does today...I'm hoping and praying and trusting that God keeps dolling out his plans for E one step at a time. Having Steve and Sarah here (more dear Haiti friends, and Sarah, badly missed always by Lily) is a gift this week, for sure...I love listening to the three girls stay up late talking and talking and talking, 90% about Haiti. 

The most cherished gift this time, of course, was having Dad and Cindy here for Lily's birthday, just a few days before he starts this journey.  We stayed up way too late talking, caught up on lots (seems like when we saw them at Thanksgiving before all this cancer stuff was at least 6 months ago), played with the kids, went to the movies, went out for dinner...had special moments with each of the kids, and most sacred, got to worship with them Sunday and have a holy moment of unexpected family/pastoral prayer together. Lots of tears, but mostly today when they headed out. 

I don't know when we'll see dad healthy and strong again, and letting him go and head straight into that journey today was really heavy. I would have rather he stayed and we not start at all and go back to six weeks ago.

But. I call the shots on very little. 

Mostly, what's for dinner, finding the matching sock and other trivial realms.  

So, we'll keep on talking to the One who does!

(Sarah and the girls 2019, Haiti Thanksgiving) 

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