
09 March 2014

good news...

For the many of you who always comment about how photogenic the girls are...this post is to encourage you.  The perfect picture is preceded by...
spraying coke down their dresses...
trying a laying down picture...
checking to make sure there was no coke now in their belly-buttons...
and a mention of gum.  :)

It has been such a great joy to have Bex here these few days.  There is nothing so sweet, nor clarifying to the perspective, than to overlap with a true friend who knows you deeply well.  

We've tried to convince her to stay several times now to no avail.  

It's been a busy few days too...a team joined us from West Park Church yesterday, and today we all headed to church at the Echo of Calvary...where Matt and Junior preached.  Matt and Junior joint preaching is one of my favorite things, a true cacophony of Creole and English and French and the Message being preached in many tongues, overlapping, powerfully.  

I swore in the midst of their two voices this morning I heard three.  So fresh when His Spirit moves.

Then we took Bex to lunch, and tried to convince her to stay some more.

One of the best parts of having her here was last Friday, when she preached in chapel about the Muslim faith and people.  The powerful stories and photos she shared from her life-so-far living amongst Muslims were all ones I have heard and seen from her over the years.

For four years I lived with her heart for the Muslim people while she lived with my heart for the poor.  Then, we moved to Africa and Haiti the same week, and have lived so many similarities, and differences, these past years.

But to sit in the back row while she was able to share HER people with MY people in the language of OUR people?...All three of whom being people He greatly loves and is chasing hard after...?

That was powerful.  

Emily shared later that she wasn't sure why the presentation made her cry so hard...but I sure know why it made ME cry.
Every time we are able to look into God's heart, it's powerful.

The Message I believe in with my whole heart,
the Message we come and go, teach and preach and type to share,
the Message we live every day,
is the reality and truth for ALL PEOPLE.  

That GOOD NEWS for Stacey White Ayars is the Good News for the world.  

And there are SO MANY in SO MANY places who have yet to understand it...yet to know it...even yet to HEAR it.

So thankful that Bex has given her life to be among them.
So thankful to have the chance to be among them. 
So thankful you are among them, too.

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