
11 March 2014


A few updates for those of you who are waiting to hear and see...

After months with no rain, we have finally gotten a bit of rain this past week and suddenly everything has turned green again.    
Random: Our papaya this week was gorgeous and SO good.  We sure do miss berries and watermelon and apples, but when papaya, pineapple and oranges are good, they are GOOD.
For all of you who have helped with or worked on "The Loft", it is officially looking like a home and void of tools :)

And there is water!

Cheyenne and Ryan are SO happy to be in and making it feel like home...which in Haiti, includes incessant and eternal mopping :)

THANK YOU Sam, Phil, Rod, Don, Rokey's, Tim and so many others for working and giving so selflessly to making this apartment project BEAUTIFUL.
I still have no good pix of the West Park team, but we were blessed to eat dinner with them last night!  Emily is a rock-star.  Cooking fabulous food for more than 10 every meal is no easy feat.
Wouldn't matter how long Aunt Bex stayed....we'd never be ready to see her go!
So thankful for the days we had with her, for her precious friendship, and for the chance to live life overlapping again...even just for a little while.  Every since I was 18 and this girl would wake me up with world news every day, had maps posted all over our room, and focused all of her studies and time on getting the Gospel OUT, she's inspired and blessed me. 

 I have pictures from that time, but they are crashed with my computer.  We'll have to live for today.
Having her with us these past days has re-inspired me again toward His work and heart for the WORLD.  I needed that.  I need that.  I'm so thankful.  Praising the Lord for His continued heavy hand in Bex's life, and her continued great desire to be led by Him, despite so much heartbreak these past years of living with and loving unreached people wholly.
Now, we only have 8 people living at our house.  So sad... :)

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