
13 March 2014

grace for the day

Please pray for the West Park team here right now, trying to finish their last day strong, continuing to work on the men's dorm bathroom, pouring the porch for the Weaver apartment, fixing several plumbing and electrical issues, painting, weeding...etc!

Please pray for Leme (staff), who seems to have malaria-ish symptoms, and is feeling generally miserable.

Please pray for Moliere (first year), who was taken out of class this morning and rushed to the clinic with tightness in his chest and pain shooting down his arm...still waiting to hear.

Please pray for the Weavers as they continue to transition into life and work in Haiti, and for the Aberles as they prepare to transition into life and work in the United States.

Please pray for Lily as she finishes final exams this week for her second trimester at school.

Please pray for Cheyenne, Carol and I as we work together to get all the finances at EBS wrapped up with OMS's fiscal year end in 2 weeks.   (Praise: I am SO THANKFUL to have Carol and Cheyenne beside me on this!!)

Please pray for us...grace for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Praying!!! God is good all the time!!! Thanks for letting us know these requests. I don't always feel like I am much help with the ministry there but I able to lift up prayers. Thanks Matt!!!
