
24 January 2014

at work!

Session one, complete!  Visiting professors and translators are working hard to grade final exams and projects, and it's hard to believe session one is wrapping up already!

This has been a really special group of teachers, and we're thankful for the many sacrifices they made to leave jobs, wives, kids, churches and the comforts of home to help us teach His Word here!

This is Jerry's 13th year teaching here at Emmaus!  He was teaching our second week of living in Haiti and stayed in our home then, too.  We were so blessed again not only by his expertise and experience in the classroom, but by his humble and passionate spirit, his God-heart for young adults in every culture, and to find him every evening in the kitchen as the "dry-man." 
This was our second year with Larry, and while leaving 6 children and his Verna and his church behind is not easy, coming to Haiti seems to be a bit like coming home for Larry.  He was raised in Haiti as a child, and continues to be able to teach entirely in Creole and to play soccer with the guys each afternoon!
This was also Brent's second year joining us, and we were so thankful he brought one of his students from Gannon University with him!  Haiti holds a special place in Brent and Julie's hearts, too, as that God hemmed two Haitian kiddos into their family this past year.  

Brent is also fully responsible for sneaking into our kitchen every afternoon after class to "check out the fridge", "fix that cabinet", and "make sure the water is running properly"...and leave with hands full of cold Cokes and chocolate chip cookies.  Over the days he managed to suck several others into his gang.  

Lily refers to him only as "The Cookie Man."

However, he does dishes. And if you know me, there is NO GREATER love language.
I don't know if Pam even knows how many courses she has taught here, but as long as we keep her tea-times on schedule, she perseveres!  Apocalyptic literature is no picnic, and we're so thankful to have her very capably attacking it with our fourth year students.  She's here for next session, as well, and despite having to hike across the yard in her bath-towel each morning at 6 am to shower at our house, Pam never complains!

As we have been blessed to care for these four, they have been blessed to help form these 45 in His Word, and these 45 students continue to share and teach and live what they are learning here in 45 different places and circles throughout Haiti...

Blessed to continue to be a part, with you, of Christ at Work.

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