
20 January 2022

life, homeschool, the p trap and Q&As

This has been some is always the case when Matt's gone for stretches of time.  My phone number was discontinued the second he left, which made for a fun first few days of no phone (more importantly, no GPS, which I absolutely depend on to the point of pathetic).  I now have a totally new phone number, so if you need it, send me an email!

The kids and I have been full-swing back to life...still trying to catch up laundry, getting back to Latin, gymnastics, small group, a few long neglected friends in the evenings, etc., and most, focusing full time on school.  Sometimes those first few days back to homeschooling make me want to rip my hair out, but this week (despite the usual math-tears and 8.3 billion Ben interruptions) has had some sweet moments of remembering WHY we homeschool.

When Lady Jane is out weeding, we call family gym class. When it's miserable outside, Sofie and I are co-reading a brilliant and mesmerizing book on cuddled on the couch, and before long realize that Lily and Nora have dropped their tasks and joined in. As reading clicks with Nora more and more each day and lights up her world, I'm there for it, and as Lily and I work together on her six page research paper on Angiosarcoma, we know better how to pray for dad, and she is IN the loop. 

Yes, Lily also informed me today that "pre-algebra would be EASY if I had a REAL math teacher", and yes, if the kids are dragging to do their work, my day gets longer and longer, too...but I DO cherish being on the front lines of so much they are learning and growing in each day, the random and important, priceless conversations that pop up unexpectedly and are discipleship, at its best, and cherish prioritizing others with them, turning writing assignments into "get well" letters for sick friends and turning Home Ec into making scones for visiting friends, playing with their babies into meaningful serve time. 

Just don't come till after 3, or you'll get to do math with my teenager, you fake teacher, you.

Matt's been having a good and busy time in DC...attending classes and lectures, prayers, meetings, tours, a march tomorrow and then transitions to a conference this weekend. The culture in DC is very far from home, and he says the streets are (and have been, since March 2020) largely abandoned and kind of eerie with some 60+% of the work force still working from home.  He's had some great quality time with some great, quality people and we're both sure he's where he's supposed to be.

We just miss him.

Especially when both sinks and the dishwasher were not draining today and the kids and I got to interrupt Language Arts to learn together how to "remove and drain the p trap without a plumbers wrench", and all the fun that came thereafter. 

He's not home 'till late Sunday, but the big surprise this weekend is my little sister coming in to celebrate Lily turning 13!  The kids will be so thrilled to wake up Saturday morning and find Aunt Lee here, and I am so looking forward to some good time with her.  

The baby questions we keep getting:

No, I'm not 40 yet, but yes. I know. I'm not 20 either.

I was feeling horrible and incredibly sick the first 16 weeks, but feel much better now, praise the Lord.

Yes, this is our last, last, last last baby. 

No, we don't know the gender yet but have that big appointment on Tuesday!

Yes, the majority of the kids are thrilled...a solid 75%.

Yes, it's a lot. No, I never thought I'd mama 5 children, and yes, I had thought my life was finally shifting into a somewhat free-er, more independent season. I was wrong.

No, we're not moving, nor getting a 15 passenger van, and no, I'm not going back to work (I'm not really understanding this question, despite obvious increased financial pressure, because I don't know how I could do that right now with an infant addition to four children.)

Yes, we know where these sweet babies come from...a lot of love and a precious place in the Father's heart.  

But also yes, if you want one.... :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I'm so glad you have an unoffendable heart and optimistic personality!!
