
14 October 2020

on the road

Our dear friends headed back to Oregon yesterday morning, and we were SO blessed by our time with them. One of the biggest heartbreaks of leaving Haiti was "losing" so many precious friendships that have formed over the years in Haiti. But a few months ago, I looked up and Adam was at our door, just like so many times in Haiti.  Dr. Charles came for Matt's inauguration and stayed and preached with him and lived with us a few weeks ago.  This weekend, Bud and Cindy came all the way from Oregon, and while they were here, Ms. Pam called from the UK, and the blessed reality is that the Lord is reminding me that those precious relationships are NOT lost, nor dependent upon Haiti, and I cherish that.  

We laughed hard, we teared up, we shared a lot of precious memories and we made quite a few, too.  We caught up on each other's lives, introduced them to lots of friends around our table, prayed with each other...and when they left, they said it was like being in Haiti.  And I love that. 

They hit the road, we finished packing for Haiti, cleaned out the fridge, got the pets and the yard and the trash taken care of, and as soon as Matt got home from work, we headed out.  We made it halfway last night, and today have another 6.5 hours to get to Ft. Pierce. 

Because all commercial airlines have discontinued flights to Northern Haiti, we're driving to Missionary Flights International on the East Coast of Florida (800 miles), where an old WW2 DC3 plane takes cargo and passengers in and out of Haiti 1-2 times a week.  

This is the plane and ministry that moved us to Haiti in August of 2007, and that evacuated us from Haiti in March. The kids love that when it gets warm, the pilots open the windows.  They just completed building a beautiful guest house, so we'll stay there tonight, Aunt Sharon is flying in this afternoon, and tomorrow morning at 6 am we'll board with our cargo for Haiti.  
With most of our clothes and all still in Haiti, we are taking very little for our family, but are well-laden with gifts for our family and friends there. Chocolate, Baby Clothes and the majority of LOFT's clearance sale :)  

As you're praying for our time and travels, here is what we'll be doing:

-The kids will still be homeschooling, will spend a day or two at their Haitian school with their friends and teachers there, and will have lots of time with their village friends, school friends, student-friends, and Granny (Sofie's top priority!) and Tati-Gertha!

-President Guenson got launched in without having any transitional time with Matt, so he and Matt and the leadership team will have as many meetings as Emmaus wants and needs to help such an un-ideal transition! Dr. Guenson has said several times now, "I had NO idea how much you were doing as President!" and isn't that always the case :) So thankful for this chance to help him get better oriented and to support the awesome leadership team.  Matt's also preaching in chapel, joining his Monday night Bible study, preaching at church this Sunday and being available for who knows what else!  He's also working virtually at Wesley and teaching his Wesley courses this week, Matt's going to be good and busy :) 

-I will be meeting/interviewing each and every staff member: what's going on through their work at Emmaus? in their churches? in their communities? in their families? I can't wait to hear all the stories (and to share them!) and to have this opportunity to then pray with them and encourage them as they battle on.  I will also be meeting individually with all of our first and second year students, gathering and translating their testimonies, both of how they came to know and follow Jesus and how they came to Emmaus, what ministry they are being called into.

Add in time catching up with so many dear friends...these are going to be rich and busy days!! 

We are grateful for your prayers and you know I'll be keeping you involved :) 


1 comment:

  1. Praying for an awesome time together! Albert and Lysje
