
08 September 2020

prayers for all done in love

This is some wild kind of a week, but we kicked it off well yesterday by finally getting to Vicksburg, about an hour from here and known as "the site of the defining battle of America's defining war." Lincoln recognized that winning Vicksburg would be necessary to win the war, and it was humbling and powerful to stand there on that battlefield Monday where so, so many died.  Monuments are everywhere, helping you visualize who was where and when and why, and just how close brothers fought, side-by-side, face-to-face. 

It's truly a wonder, standing there, that America ever came back from that. SO MANY men lost. So much so many were willing to courageously and brutally die for...I don't know how that wasn't the end of the USA.

Sofie has been diligently memorizing parts of Dr. King's "I have a Dream" speech. I'm reminded that those men hiking across America to fight had a dream worth living for...Dr. King, he did as well...all that we might sit down together at the table of brotherhood. 

May all that we do, unto all, be done with love. Even the pagans can love those who love them...

Tonight the girls had "meet the teacher night" at their Friday program (a once a week enrichment program for labs, art, music, latin, history...) and they were cracking me up. I hadn't realized that Lily didn't expect it to be air-conditioned, or that Sofie hadn't expected it to be in English. I thought I had prepped them, but didn't mention those things :)  

First, my dad and Cindy come tomorrow, Matt's parents on Thursday, and Matt's brother, our s-i-l and niece and nephew come Friday. Matt teaches his regular Psalm class Thursday night, then Friday is full with WBS board meetings, the girls all have school, mama is hosting a brunch for the board wives, and Friday evening is the alumni/graduate banquet. Saturday morning is Matt's inauguration and WBS's graduation, and Sunday Matt starts preaching (online, Sunday morning & evening, Monday and Tuesday evening) a revival at Sharptown Church in NJ.  

He then heads to Jersey for 9 days, preaching several times (Sharptown Sunday the 20th, and Cornerstone on Sunday the 27th, if you're in the area!) before heading back to Mississippi, only to preach at Crosspoint in Niceville, Florida October 1-4, and then attending and preaching at WBS's Mexico cohort's graduation in Mexico City on October 10th.  

I mean. Whew.

October 15th, we all (+ the marvelous Aunt Sharon) head for Haiti, what Lily is fondly calling "the Ayars' first missions trip."  

So now you know how you can be praying for us.  (all the links to locations and more info here)

May all that we do these days and always be done in love.

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