
12 October 2019

EU Update...

How is Emmaus University in full force today, despite the deepening crisis in Haiti? 
Short answer: Unknowingly to us, God provided in the past what is necessary in this present, and is providing in the present that which we never imagined for the future. 
For such a heavy time as this, many of you joined us years ago in praying for and investing in solar panels. Because of these solar panels, we are burning a limited amount of fuel each day, making it possible for refrigeration and internet and lights in the classrooms to carry on, even as our fuel supply is at its end. 
We are able to continue today because of our staff--sacrificial, courageous and hard-working men and women-- who continue to see God move mountains, protecting and providing as they come and go. They are working to lead and serve their churches, families, and communities well in this crisis, and then are fighting to find fuel and paying four and five times more for public transportation when they can’t. They are here for our students, day after day.
We are able to carry-on today because, for such a time as this, our students have a safe place to live on campus, and three meals a day. We are assembling more bunkbeds as you read this, and making room for an unprecedented number of undergrad and masters students needing to live on campus during this tumultuous time. 
We praise the Lord for doing in the past exactly what is providing for TODAY, so that we are persevering, by His grace, in providing jobs, meals, housing, clean water, electricity, security, solid Biblical teaching, transformative discipleship, and powerful equipping for the Gospel...the Gospel that is alive and well and vibrant today, untouched by any scheme or power of man.
We need your continued prayers today, to the One Who Knew and Knows. Pray for Haiti, pray for her people, pray for wisdom, pray for peace. 
We need your practical help in doing what is costing us far more in this season than it cost one year ago...and yet is needed far more today than it was a year ago. 
Help us continue to put food on many more tables, help us continue to provide for our staff and even extra on top for this unprecedented challenging time, help us continue to search for and be able to purchase fuel when it is found, by giving here.
Short answer: God is miraculously sustaining us…and perhaps today, that is through YOU. 
We praise the Lord for badly-needed provision that we cannot yet see, already on our knees.

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