
17 May 2019

a million little things

It's a million small things, isn't it.

Sometimes I don't think I have anything to share, because it's just a million little things. But He's so able to be found in them. 

We keep waiting for summer "break" to happen...for it to slow down a bit, for the load to lighten.  Instead, it shifts, and we give Him what we had expected and trust Him with the reality.

And He always sweetens the deal as we look for Him.

This week we unexpectedly lost a core faculty member due to some health issues, and adding a big load to Matt, the new interim dean of the school of theology. This week we had a great master's class, and had an awesome time with Dr. Ray, or "Dr. Ray, the one with arms, not the Mr. Ray from Nemo", as Nora calls him, reminding me how God's given family to our family. This week we had an awesome dinner with the non-sick half of the Stolberg family, complete with green beans from their garden and peach cobbler from Washington! This week the girls voluntarily went to school on their off day to celebrate flag day and had a blast with their friends and teachers. 

This week I cooked a ridiculous amount, as always, and missed having the cafeteria open for lunch! This week I found a precious tube of badly needed toothpaste at the Total Station, but still no peanut butter.  Three places there was no fuel, but one place we found some. (Please keep praying for Haiti...there are many alarming signs of continued and increased issues). This week the six of us ate approximately 194 mangoes, all fresh from the yard, and rejoiced. We sent dozens home with every friend we saw, and the grass is still littered with sweet, juicy mangoes every morning. This week Matt taught Bible study in Vaudreil and it was so good to see Dave and Marilyn again!  

This week the girls invented the hose and trampoline game with friends, this week we bought precious watermelon from farmer friends before they were exported to the States, and can't find a Haitian friend who likes it yet! This week I had two long trips with Anne-Yolie, and just cherish any time we have together, talking about our hilarious, exhausting children and dear, busy husbands and feeling like all the important things we have easily in common.

This week we celebrated with both Lucner and Gueson in New York and Kentucky, celebrating their graduations for their Doctorate degrees!  This week we celebrated my sweet sister's birthday, we did an awful lot of homeschool and finished two awesome books. I love the love these girls have for good books, and I LOVE the good books SonLight brings our way!  This week we made rolls. And stir-fry. And brownies. And soup. And salad. And meatloaf. This week I got to meet with Maurice and hear more about the awesome crusade he and 10 other students are in the middle of in St. Raphael. This week I got to read "The Pout Pout Fish" 94 more times. 

This week Jodenel and I officially totally caught up the finance office inbox, a first for the year! This week Ben ate everything and then some and then scoured all the floors for any crumbs. This week Job's family came to hang out and we got to all laugh together and celebrate some of the ways they've seen God at work. This week Matt taught at one of our professor's churches on moving out of a poverty-mindset and it went well. This week we did 8 loads of sweaty laundry and the sun is so hot that everything was dry within minutes of being hung on the line.  This week the master's students played soccer every afternoon and it reminded me how much we already miss our students! 

Lots of stressors, lots of gifts. Lots of frustrations and lots of faithful. 

Lots of sticky, lots of sweet. 

I'm thankful and it's Friday.  It's Friday and I'm thankful :)


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