
22 November 2018

this is the day

The last time my birthday fell on Thanksgiving was the year I turned 30.

I was in a BIG struggle season that year, really having a hard time with feeling inadequate, old, unaccomplished, and ungrateful.  (You can remember with me here.) Yet about 2 weeks before the big day, I realized that my birthday was on Thanksgiving, and the Lord divinely kicked my butt (aren't you thankful He does that sometimes!) and healed my heart with gratitude.

While I'm in a very different season this time around, I know it's no mistake that my gift today is Thanksgiving.  What a perfect day for a birthday...a day that drives you to searching for the gratitude, no matter what.

I cannot even begin to tell you how much Thankful I have today.  I have 8 million things to say, but instead I'm going to say very little, because the depth of the complications and the richness of His presence and the height of His great love are leaving me a little awe-struck today.

I am thankful that the Lord very miraculously saved my sister's life on Monday night.

I am thankful that He also very miraculously saved and continues to strengthen Mayah's (meaning God is close) little life today.
I am thankful my four nieces have their precious mother.
I am thankful for the many people God used in that situation, and is using still.

I am thankful for the gift of the challenging journey they have ahead, and that God IS close.

I am thankful for Nikki, an utterly undeniable God-send in this season of our lives.
I am thankful for friends-like-family, family-like-friends here and there...for friends our daughters run to, friends Ben knows and grins for, friends who encourage me, friends who pop over and brighten, friends who pray and bake and love and email and text and remember, from friends in the village we can spend time with even going on day 6 of not being able to drive to friends I've never even met but truly know and know me.
I am thankful that God's kingdom is above this one, I'm thankful that God is at work when Haiti is paralyzed, I am thankful that evil and injustice will not be allowed to carry on forever, I am thankful that He offers peace when none can be found.

I am thankful for our staff and students - the salt, the light, the water that is NEEDED.
chapel yesterday, with so many unable to leave their homes...keep praying!
I am thankful for people around the world I can reach out to for prayer and know you're praying.

I am thankful for HELP and GRACE, because I need it, every day, in so many ways, and He provides it and sometimes it's you, or you, or you.

I am thankful for these precious children who point me to Jesus on purpose (or on crazy) every day, again and again. What a privilege.
I am thankful for a husband who loves Jesus more than himself, more than us.

I am thankful that WHATEVER today looks like, come what may, this day, He we can rejoice and be glad in it.  

I am rejoicing with you.  Happy Thanksgiving!


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  2. Hello! My name is Evelyn Fullum. My darling husband and I had been scammed twice by some con artist who claimed to be a credit specialist(while trying to fix our credit). I had given up but my husband still believed there were still good specialists out there and it turned out that his intuitions were right. About two weeks ago he came home and told me he met a specialist (760Plus Credit Score) out of fear I tried to dissuade him but he convinced me instead. We made some commitments and he promised to get our credit reports on track as soon as possible. My husband pulled his credit report 5days ago as we were instructed and his credit score has risen to excellent from the initial poor score. They’re currently working on mine. We’re recommending their services to everybody who cares to listen. They are available on gmail: 760PLUSCREDITSCORE@GMAIL.COM.
