
03 February 2018

good work

Alright, a few shots from another busy week!  This week Marshall wrapped up the Biblical Doctrine of Holiness class, Fanfan finished 1 & 2 Samuel, and Ms. Pam concluded the Pauline Epistles. I love talking to our students about these classes, hearing all the input from the student's perspective during the day and from the professor's over dinner at night. 
What a gift to have so many cultures working together for the Gospel, learning from and enjoying and teaching each other.  
I got into Marshall's class one day a bit late...everybody was already standing for prayer.  But I loved watching the fun interaction as they discussed the test, and hearing Marshall lift everyone up.
Have I mentioned lately loving my jobs?  I love my jobs.
I really love this part of my job, too.  Friday morning the girls got up early and before I knew it, they had Nora all decked out in "uniform." She was SO utterly excited to be dressed like them :)  They got her a bag and a water bottle and some books and were all playing school when it was time for the older two to go.  Nora was SO anxious and ready to go with them that Matt had to take her to his office for 30 minutes so she could go to school too.  Man alive, do they grow up too fast.
Speaking of growing up too fast, Joely turned two this week!  We all love him, but he and Nora are the best of buds, playing together all day when everyone is off at school and work.  They fight like two-year old siblings, and play as hard as they can.  

I just found this shot from the Accreditation announcement in chapel...

Meanwhile, while Joel and Nora are running everywhere, the older three have been loving the tree chopping project, clearing some land for a larger classroom space!

It's been a muddy muddy week with lots of saved toads and bugs and beetles, lots of scrapes and lots of laundry. The girls don't realize it, but they are grateful to live in a culture where school is done by 1 every day, giving them lots of play time.
On days Micheline comes to watch over Nora, she gets fresh braids.  She won't let me, and she won't let Gertha, but "Mish-Mean" can make her "bel" any time :) Nora's braids always have la life of their own, sweet and spicy as she is!

Marshall is safely back to his family, Pam heads out on Monday, and Mark and MaryBeth, missionaries with OMS in Nigeria at West Africa Theological Seminary, are here with us for a few days to experience Haiti and Emmaus.  Tomorrow we are off to visit a dear alumni and his church plant and then Matt is very thrilled that our good buddies down the road have some way of getting the Super Bowl on...watching his Eagles play tomorrow evening is an opportunity he never expected to have!   

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