
28 November 2017

Giving Tuesday that keeps on giving...

Haiti celebrates many fascinating holidays, most of them focusing on remembrance of the bloody battles and heroes that won Haiti her independence from France. Christmas, just a few days before Haiti's biggest holiday of Independence Day, is simply not a big deal in Haiti.

There's never been any snow, children don't speak of any version of Santa Claus. There are few surprises, no presents, no special meals, and seemingly very little to celebrate, and even if there were, very little to celebrate with.  Haiti celebrates battles and freedoms, but most often skips over Peace, the Victor, and TRUE Freedom.

While Christmas in Haiti may not be a big deal, Christmas for Haiti IS.
God-made-flesh for Haiti is what Emmaus Biblical Seminary is ALL about, December 25th and EVERY day.

The majority of Haiti continues to live in a darkness as if the Light never came, in a freedom 1000 chains excessive of true. And the men and women of Emmaus are working every day, from start to finish, to make God's heart in heaven-came-down known, to pour out God's pursuit of 'those who live in great darkness', to work tirelessly at sharing the grace and discipleship of chain-breaking.

True Christmas transforming hearts takes TIME, and that's why at Emmaus we're equipping AS we're sending, forming AS He's filling, why we're practicing WHILE we're preaching. That's why our staff is focusing all our energy on teaching the Gospel to our 128 students as we're living it among them, and as we're giving it throughout Haiti (and the we come!) alongside them.
God is sending EBS young men and women from throughout Haiti, 
Christmas already burning in their hearts, and we're cherishing the gift by making our mission of discipling Christ-like leaders for the transformation of Haiti and the world come alive through everything we do, in every way we do it.

And this Christmas, we need your help.

We are dedicated to making low tuition ($250 USD/semester) possible and providing a work-study program for free room and board for students He has called from any social standing. To continue doing this, we need scholarships to cover the additional $1000 USD it costs every semester to teach, equip, house, feed and send each student.

This Christmas season, join us in bringing true Christmas again and again for Haiti, providing a scholarship in ANY amount in honor or in memory of a friend, family member, organization, church, group or business, or as a gift!

All scholarship donations in any amount will be followed by a Christmas certificate sent from Emmaus to the person or organization you are giving in honor or memory of.

THANK YOU for including Haiti in your celebration of Christ COME this Christmas, for His glory.

Stacey Ayars, for the EBS Haiti family

Emmaus Biblical Seminary | Haiti | |

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