
19 October 2017

no matter what

If yesterday was discouraging (and it was) today was the opposite, not because there isn't still a lot of work to do or because the questions all had more positive responses, but because we got our eyes off the prize and on the people.

And our people, people, are the best.

Today the committee divided and conquered, interviewing each department independently, interviewing students on their satisfaction, interviewing staff on theirs, interviewing absolutely everyone about absolutely everything we could have imagined and then some.  And while we may not get accredited, at least not yet, our people were honest and passionate and called and full of vision and hard work, and awesome, as they ARE.

Claudin was beaming when he came out of his student development interview, because he is incredibly attentive to detail and has impeccable follow-through, and what they asked about, he KNEW, and what he didn't, he is working on improving as we speak, with excitement.

Sitting around the dinner table in the cafeteria tonight picking at the last of the gratine, Simeon was beaming, Leme, Jodenel...because while we might not have everything perfect, we KNOW what we need to do now, KNOW how to do better, and it is on EACH of us to do so, and WE. ARE. ABLE. to do it.

Watching our guys, Matt, staff, students and several CITA members playing basketball tonight, I remembered this is a very special place.  Because of you and your help and your prayers, because of a history of faithful people, because of the men and women God's brought together, because our entire strength lies in the fact that here, we are immersed in the truths of each other be rooted and grounded in Him, that we might be true. no. matter. what.

Eating dinner with our staff and students and listening to Lily rattle off with the Haitian CITA members in Creole, watching the students, watching Edlin and the kitchen ladies dancing to the worship music on the radio, chatting with Leme about some student ministry in the community next is all ok.  God's been SO with us, and stretch-ing is good.

He's so faithful.

We have a full day tomorrow with CITA and then some leave Friday, Saturday and the last member heads home Monday...the same day we start a full week of our undergrad program, IWU Master's Program AND Masters of the Arts in Christian Leadership program, complete with visiting professors.  I am also up to preach in chapel for tomorrow...pray for us, we are not through this busy season yet!

Come what may, when we get through this big old 24/7 week following all these big weeks and months and years, I'm gonna find some money and we're taking these beautiful people to the beach.  We have NEVER done it, and we're doing it.  Decided.

Thank you for praying and sending and loving with us.

1 comment:

  1. Praying, strength, peace, health, calm, and God's endless love be upon you during the days ahead.... Yea for the beach!
