
09 April 2017

a step away

We sure do love His work and family and home for us in Haiti. 
And we also really love this crazy generous opportunity Charles and Vicki are giving us to spend a few days away at their Naples condo, visiting with them and with both of our families, resting away for a few days, and enjoying being together without the continually pressing in work and ministry of Haiti.
Today that meant the girls got some time with one of their cousins and at the beach.
And tonight that meant that Matt and his parents and brother got to do one of their very favorite things crabs.
and so did these girlies.  
Sadly, it also means that Uncle Don headed back to New Jersey, and the reality is we just never want him to go home...if Brenda would let us, we'd adopt him :)
We were able to worship with Vicki and Charles this morning, got to have good converstaions with two dear mentor-friends today, able to have some time with Matt this evening while two of the girls had a sleep-over at Grammy's, and able to sit and EAT ICE CREAM tonight.  So so thankful for this quick and meaningful step-away.  Praying for His restoration as He meets us in a very different world for a few days!

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