
13 May 2016

Graduation 2016

Oh man.  There is a weariness that only comes after an entire school year followed by wonderful graduation.

It was an awesome day.  Following a lot of awesome days.

It was also so ridiculously hot that even my ears were sweating. 

I love our staff and students, and celebrating them today was a gift.

...that I will tell you more about later.  For now, some pictures!
Leme and Jodenel and their awesome ladies.

I love how much our staff and student love each other!
Sweet baby Christie (Claudin's miracle baby)
People taking pictures from out of the way is a very cultural thing.
The only way to get a picture is to go around everyone who is in the way and be in everyone else's way!
This was such a great moment...the valedictorian was sharing funny stories about each of his classmates.
Someone on stage falls asleep every year, and I always enjoy taking their picture and sending it to Uncle Martin, who was my first picture at my first graduation...though he still says he was just resting his eyes :)
Praying for the graduates is always such a powerful time at graduation.

To get to go to school as a child, such an accomplishment in Haiti. To make it to high school, a gift.  To actually finish high school?  To graduate? Huge.

So to be called to study the Gospel, and to begin, and to persevere, to overcome, and to finish?

To realize that He has done it...powerful.
Very thankful for an awesome day of celebrating that which only He could do...thankful He sends and to be in the sending!

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