
01 July 2015

ballerinas, a big weekend, and a final call...

These precious girlies have been asking to please please please ballet! for several years now, but with no opportunity to do so in Haiti and never being in one place long enough in the States to, it's not been possible!  But, we finally found them a 6 week class right down the road (of which they did indeed miss the first three lessons :) and they started tonight...
And it was just downright adorable.
They couldn't have loved it more.
So thankful for this chance as we wait for Nora to join us!
Meanwhile, everything is looking good with her from my appointment today, so Friday Lily and I are off for be with dear friends!!, to celebrate Nora coming!!, and to see our neighbors!!

Phil, Emily, Ethan and Haylie, having seen off EBS's final team for the summer, are on their way Thursday to our NorthRidge Kansas family right before a whirlwind 6 weeks on the east coast, and I am SO SO SO grateful and excited about this chance to see them! Spending every moment together and then not seeing them for 2 months has been awful!

Finally, it's time to order event t-shirts for "A Night with Emmaus : Hearts on Fire", which will include business and church logos and names from all church and business sponsors!  

Partner with Emmaus AND make your church or business known locally and globally at the August 9th event and for a full year at before we order shirts after the July 4th weekend!!

Time.  We have simply given up on it not flying!

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