
23 January 2015

my (missionary) soap box

The other day at weekly Bible study we were joined with some 20 visitors from all over the United States.  They were church groups, visiting for a week or so for various reasons.  We went around the circle and identified who was from Illinois and who was from PA and who was from Texas and who was here to teach at the Seminary.  

"Is that everyone?" our host asked.

"Don't forget the missionaries!" someone innocently called out, and yes.  You know me by now.  

I cringed.

I know this is just my weird thing.  I know it's just old school. 

 But I HATE being singled out as a missionary--you know, a person who dedicates their lives to trying to share God and the Bible with others.

It is not because I worry that it will make people think I only wear floor-length jean skirts and buns and reuse tea bags 95 times and make all my children's clothing and eat monkey brains and carry slide-shows with me wherever I go.  

And it is not because I worry that people will act weird around me...confessing past sins randomly or apologizing for saying the word "stupid" within my hearing or suddenly becoming this weird holy version of themselves or cutting the conversation short because they are afraid I might ask for money for starving children.

I hate it because it totally negates that every single person in that room who claims to be a follower of Christ is to be dedicated to sharing God and the Bible with others.

I am not a missionary if you aren't!

If we are all missionaries, then call me a missionary!  Otherwise, don't put that on me and remove our joint call in Christ from everyone's plates but those who live in some hot and weary land.

It is NOT ok to not be a missionary.  There is no version of true Christianity that does not produce and require a great need and desire to share Christ with others.  

It IS ok to not live in Haiti, for heavens sakes.  What a GREAT and vast and deep and dying mission field is my homeland.  You Americans simply have to be a missionary with me or I can't stand it!  What a great and hurting and huge missionfield are the rich, are the poor, are the cities, are the countries, are the full, are the hungry, are the world. 

 You simply have to be missionaries with us.  You must!

I hope we are together missionaries who send.  As you send us and others we send 10 more and all the same share Christ and His Word.

I hope we are together missionaries who pray.  As you pray for us and others we pray for 10 more and all the same pray Christ and His Word.

I hope we are together missionaries who go.  As you go out today we are going out to and all the while looking to share Christ and His Word.

I hope we are together missionaries who break.  As you break over our stories I know I break over you and yours, and all the while pour out Christ and His Word on the broken.

I hope we are together missionaries who love.  As you love us and 100 more today, we do, TOO, all the while living and giving the life-changing love of Christ and His Word.

Let us be identified, then, as ones who look like Christ. 

CALL me a Christ-follower, dear one.  I have no desire for anything else. 

Or call us both a missionary, for the work is not easy, and we are in it TOGETHER.  

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