
27 September 2014

catch up!

Have I mentioned yet what a joy it is to have Uncle Don here?  SUCH a joy.  The girls continue to be a bit miffed that he actually WORKS while he is here and isn't just their constant playmate, but, he's doing his share of early morning and after dinner lego/princess sessions.

Matt and Phil are just as happy to have him, working hard together and having "man nights" after the sun goes down....lots of talk about the Eagles and Sharptown and snow and astounding injuries, weight lifting and American Ninja Warrior and other manly things.

Have I also mentioned lately how we need more women?  :)  Emily is having a FABULOUS time in Rome with her fun sister (but I will be glad to have her back, too!!)
Our first week of classes started so well, though I must say it was the craziest week I could have imagined.  We are STILL having prospective students coming EVERY day to apply...each a joy to have and a bucketload of work to register and get going :)  Thankful that after Friday (yesterday), all registration is closed until January! 

Meanwhile, the spirit on campus just continues to be SO positive, SO community oriented, and, as the students keep saying, their hearts are "so open" right now...excited to learn, passionate to do, grateful to be His.  God's at work...we're just trying to keep up!

Meanwhile, after school continuing to get better and better for Lily and worse and worse for Sofie...we kept Sofie home for a few days, unsure of what to do and where to go from here.  Needless to say, the Lord knows and loves Sofie well, and has seemed to quite miraculously open a door we didn't even know existed for Sofie at a different school.  She started there Friday and had a FANTASTIC day in a much smaller classroom setting...we're going to give it another week and make a final decision.  I'm SO thankful for God truly "making a way" and for the joy and growth Sofie is experiencing at school!

Even the LITTLE things for our LITTLE ones are not little to Him, and I'm thankful.

Some of His beauty from the past few days...

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