
01 August 2014

crazy love.

A few weeks ago, Sharon and I found ourselves talking about transforming friendship, identifying the key element in that impact as love.  

Not just any love.  Not sensible, safe love.

to CRAZY love.

She remembered a time that Uncle Dave drove some ridiculous distance at a ridiculous hour just to see them, just to encourage them.

I remembered the time I was overwhelmed with hostessing, and Sharon somehow got a frozen lasagna to my table in Haiti, making it possible for me to both feed 7 visitors and be hiking home from Ezechiel's Baron mountain church at the same time.

And as many challenges as this summer has provided, Matt and I can't help but look back at all the monuments this summer of game-changing friendship...of crazy love.

My first thought goes back to Seeds of Greatness, where a line of hundreds waited to press $2 dollars and a prayer into our palms.  That was crazy.  We left that Sunday shaking our heads and tears pouring, loved and prayed for and deeply touched.

I think of Uncle Don and Aunt Brenda, taking in a family of four they share no blood with or obligation to, making their home our home when we needed one.

I think of Carol, getting tickets and heading to Haiti right after us to help in a time and in a way that very few could...and that is desperately needed.

I think of so many of you who drove hours to come hear us speak...not for you, but for us.  To remind us that you care...that you pray...that you are WITH us.

Of the many of you who have cooked for us.  Supported us.  Prayed for us.  Stuck with us.   When you've never even met us.  Or don't have any reason to love us like you do.  Or reached out when your own lives are so full and crazy.

I think of so many of you, of so many things.  Of the love that did NOT make sense, was NOT convenient, that was poured on us, and of how POWERFULLY that Crazy Love has impacted our summer, has healed and restored our hearts, has inspired us.

We leave for Haiti Sunday, and for some reason, packing up alone and driving ourselves to the airport alone felt overwhelming and sad.  Leaving America without ever getting to see Maria and Elisa felt gut-wrenching.  And so they are doing something CRAZY this morning...driving the ridiculous distance from Atlanta, Georgia to Columbus, Ohio just to help me finish packing, to play with our girls while we do, to spend our last bit of time with friends, and to take us to the airport, help us with a year's worth of bags, to see us off.

It makes NO sense.  Totally Crazy.

but for Matt, Lily, Sofie and I?  It changes everything.

Stop loving with your brain and love someone with crazy Jesus today.


  1. What an extra special act of friendship...enjoy your time together :)

  2. So glad your stay was filled with "Crazy Love".. You can't draw water from an empty well, so go and pour out His crazy love on your Haiti family with a renewed spirit. Know that you have many here that love you all and are keeping you close in prayer.

    PS, Praying there are no rats waiting for you.....

  3. Praying for your safe return to Haiti. May God continue to bless your ministry in Haiti and wherever else He sends you.

  4. That's so fabulous to hear Stace!!
