
08 July 2014


We have done at least 85 things since church on Sunday.  Or it seems like it...quick catch up of some of the joys...
We visited Grandmom (Matt's) on Monday and had an awesome visit...followed by another Matt visit on Tuesday because she was just not ready to see us go.
Monday night we had an AWESOME family night at the Buzby Farm.  Buzby corn has been famous to me since I met Matt, always going to family picnics and church events with everyone bringing "Buzby Corn" 'cause "It's the BEST."

Wasn't until Eric Buzby was eating around our dinner table on night three in Haiti several years ago that I realized that HE and the famous corn go together!
Since then, we've gotten to know some of the other great things that come with Eric, like his fantastic wife and their three sweet kiddos.  Monday night they gave us the whole tour and we all had dinner together...such a gift!

Such a beautiful farm!  Lily and I were ready to SIGN UP.

This is their dog Lily.  As soon as we got there, their Anna said to our Lily, "You are SO lucky to be named after our dog!"  Lily was quite sure she was very lucky :)
So thankful for this time with these dear friends and as they have come to Haiti several times now to share in our life, it was a real gift to get into theirs a bit more!
Saturday was our last day with Matt's mom, as that Grammy moved to Florida Monday!  She took us all to Winterthur Museum and Garden, and we had SUCH a good day together!
First, she got Matt and I into their Downtown Abbey display featuring many of the costumes and stories from the BBC show, and it was SO NEAT!  We love Downtown Abbey, and have managed to get most of our OMS Haiti field hooked, too!

They also had a really neat "Enchanted Forest" garden for the girls, and we had such a fun afternoon exploring and pretending and enjoying our last time together for...who knows how long!

 Sunday after church we came home to Uncle Don's house and my dad and Cindy (who were passing through), sister and brother-in-law, baby Evie, Aunt Lori, Grammy and Marcel joined us for the afternoon of Lapp's ribs (to die for) and pool time!
The combination of Matt, Uncle Don and Adam proved to be hilarious.  This was their long-distance jumping contest.

Baby Evie didn't even care.

After a busy day yesterday with no pool time, we made up for it today when the girls finished school.
They continue to both be the most fearless fish you have ever met.  Both swimming from the board to the wall unaided, both insisting on being taken down to touch the bottom of the 10 foot deep end, and both swimming till they dropped.

Don and Brenda have been SO SO Fabulous...letting us spread out, making us at home, feeding us well, sharing their pool, treating us like family, loving on our girls.  We didn't know what we were going to do with Matt's entire family (our Eastern home base) moving to Florida, but we have been so blessed, just like Lily said, to have lots of family here, making us so at home!

Tomorrow we head back to Philly for our last few days, meeting up with family from Northern PA, hopefully catching up with a dear pastor friend and his wife, pumped about a Philly's game with Uncle Don and Aunt Brenda Friday night, and getting ready to meet lots of new friends at White Clay Creek Presbyterian Church Sunday!

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