For all the years this guy's been trying to get us to Camp Sychar, we're so thankful we were finally able to extend our time Stateside two days into August and make it happen! It was a JOY to have good time with David and Ann, and to meet their Sychar family!

Camp Sychar has been meeting for 10 days of preaching and revival for 144 years now, which means that most of the people we met introduced themselves as fourth and fifth generation Sycharites. That just blew our minds!
The "Tabernacle" in the middle is surrounded by dozens and dozens of small cabins, a cafeteria, etc.
And yesterday was missions day, which brought in lots of additional people from the community and raised lots of funds for mission work stateside and around the globe!
It was great to have a chance to share some of Haiti (always) and to meet so many of the Sychar family, and some special friends who came from afar just to catch up with us...thank you, Patti and family and Cheryl!!
Lily stood in line for over an hour to have her face painted, which meant she didn't get to do any of the other activities...and she couldn't have been more thrilled.
Last night, Matt was privileged to stand where hundreds of preachers and missionaries have stood before to share Jesus as the Gospel and the incarnate ministry we are all called to.
and I got to talk to lots of great people :)
Catching up with Kelli and her family literally hours before they head back to Taiwan was a blessing, spending time with Ann, Cheryl, Patti and several other friends and making new ones...worshiping with His people in our heart language one last time before returning to Haiti...getting to pray with hurting people, asking God to abound and work in their brokenness...watching the girls LOVE camp living and children's church...
very grateful.
Thanks for coming to my "field"... it was great spending time with the Ayars!