
06 December 2013


Sometimes Christmas feels backwards, doesn't it.

It is the time of hustle and bustle, parties and shopping, baking and taking, spending, needing, wanting, listing.

In the middle of so many beautiful and enjoyable events and tasks, you can't help but be a bit overwhelmed by how many things are needed--to do, to be, to bake, to buy, to go to!

On Dasher, on Dancer!

And yet there in the middle somewhere is The Reason for the Season, and The Story presents quite a different first Christmas, doesn't it.

A silent, dark and starry night.  A cold and quiet weary couple, unnoticed, settling finally in a rugged barn.  A King come into the world with no pomp and circumstance.  A spinning world placed on His shoulder.  A Prince of peace, quietly come.  

The only brilliance was the silent shining of the star, and a magnificent appearance of a multitude of heavenly hosts to a gangly group of sleepy shepherds, doing nothing but singing His praise and vanishing once again.
How sweet it sounds.  Tears spring up unexpectedly when I think of that holy night.  What I wouldn't give to have been standing there wide-eyed as the angels sang and then running for my life to that manger throne. 

That night when, for the first time in history, nothing was needed.

It had COME.

Everything.  Everything that was needed--Light, Healing, Restoration, Peace.  Freedom, Hope.  Love.  

Everything that the world needed, and everything that it ever will.

If I didn't believe that with every fiber of my being, we. would. not. be. here.

It's easy this Christmas and every day to look at the millions of things that are needed in our lives, in our jobs, in our families, in our communities, in our countries, in our world.  

And I bet a dozen people and places have already told you about a dozen ways and reasons you can and should give or help this Christmas.

I hate to be another one.

But I can't sit where I'm sitting this morning with a full heart, in the middle of Emmaus Biblical Seminary on this island of Haiti, and not share the opportunity to be a part of that ONE THING for Haiti and the World.

It's true that Emmaus is doing a lot of things.  There are a lot of classes (four years worth), a lot of missions trips (to zones throughout all of Haiti), a lot of conferences (like the one I just wrote about last week!), a lot of meetings and planning and prayers, a lot of students (60) and staff (20), a lot of of churches represented, a lot of denominations, hundreds of alumni throughout Haiti and the world.  
A lot.

But it is all for One.  

It's because this world that He came to to bring fullness and grace continues to live in darkness and confusion.  The darkness which the Light came to overcome continues to not understand It.  It's because the Word Became Flesh.  It's because He is holding out the right to become HIS CHILDREN.

Everything we do at Emmaus: teach, train, disciple and send...everywhere we go: witchdoctor's funerals, tent cities, hardened communities, mountain tops, inner cities...everything we take and preach and teach and serve throughout Haiti is to make Him, the One Thing That Is Needed, known.  
We are widespread and of One focus to give One thing, Christ, who has already COME.

I've told you so many of the stories throughout the years.  And as the year is drawing to a close, we need your help.  
Emmaus Biblical Seminary would be abundantly blessed and better equipped to GROW our students in Christ, to GO throughout Haiti sharing His Light and transformation and to GIVE His Word boldly this season and in the seasons to come by your partnership.

If you or your family are looking for a way to spread the Good News this Christmas, to share the Light in your life, to be a part of what He's doing in the world, we encourage you to consider giving to Emmaus Biblical Seminary.

You can give online (click here) through One Mission Society.  EBS Haiti 300300

You can give online (click here) through Paypal.

You can give by mail:

One Mission Society
P.O. Box 1648
MonumentCO 80132-1648
     Please make checks payable to One Mission Society.  
     Be sure to include 300300 EBS HAITI on the memo line.

You can email me: and I can help you find a way to give that works for you, or if you have any questions.

But whether you join EBS financially or not, I have to tell you something.

You bless us.  

For a long time, Matt and I were heading for Haiti to work with EBS....we were moving to Haiti to work with EBS...we were working in Haiti at EBS.

But the realization hit me recently when someone sent us this picture:
our first week in Haiti
We are living our lives at Emmaus Biblical Seminary.  We are raising our children at Emmaus Biblical Seminary.  

And as you have read, as you have followed, as you have prayed, as you have supported, as you have have been with us.  Are with us.  

Thank you.  

May we all be together this season, quietly, in awe, in wonder, in good tidings of great joy, at His feet.

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