
08 December 2013


The blog can't keep up, either!  The last three days included Lily's first field trip, lots of fun and random activities with Uncle Martin and Aunt Sharon, a trip to the beach and baby Christie's dedication.
I love these two!  After a full week of final exams, Lily is finally on Christmas vacation!  I know exams seem bizarre for a four-year old, but semester-end testing is a big deal in Haiti for all classes.  She was tested, in French and Haitian Creole, in coloring, handwriting (all cursive), French comprehension and speaking, numbers, a poem and singing.

Then Friday, they celebrated the end of the semester for the younger classes by loading up the busses and taking all the kids on a tour of Vertier, a historical site near down-town Cap-Haitian.

Matt joined her, and these pictures are downright adorable.

The sitting, waiting, and listening was not as fun as she had thought it would be :)  The bus ride, hanging out with her friends, and getting to touch the statues of some of Haiti's biggest heros?  A blast.
I think Lily thinks she is a model :)

Lily and Madame Guilouse, her teacher.
So thankful for a great fourth semester of school for Lily, a great teacher, Godly leadership, Biblical teaching, great friendships and so many great experiences for Lily at Pillatre Christian School!  
Sofie goes with me each day to pick up Lily...and thanks to Uncle Martin, has now learned how to climb the gate, barefoot, while waiting :)
Uncle Martin and Aunt Sharon hit it out of the ball-park with the girls right off the bat...

Lily taught Shayla how to play memory, and has finally found someone who likes the game as much as she does :) 
It has been perfectly breezy and cool the last few paradise compared to all of the your snowy and icy pictures we're seeing on facebook!  It's been mid 70's with lots of balmy breezes...which still felt chilly to these two watching the soccer match Thursday!
Thursday night we also had a big community bonfire, thanks to Martin and Sharon bringing hot dogs and chips!  These girls L-O-V-E hot dogs...what a special treat!

Cally-girl has quickly settled in and now sleeps with Lily every night...
Aunt Sharon also brought these adorable jammies in for the girls...who LOVE new clothes of ANY kind :)
Then Sunday we all went to Pillatre church to hear Matt preach and to see baby Christie dedicated...can you believe how big she's getting!?  Such a blessing to be a part of this little miracle's life!

Christie didn't really like Pastor Mano :)

Maxi and Kerline have asked Lily to be Christie's godmother, an important tradition in this culture.  Lily continues to ask for a magic wand :)  (fairy godmother...)
Afterwards we all headed back to Maxi's for some great food and fellowship.

Finally, tonight Aunt Sharon bravely took on building graham cracker houses with the girls....
Lily crafted her heart out.  Sofie ate more candy than I thought humanly possible.

It's been a great weekend, a great time with Martin and Sharon, and a few days full of lots of reminders of the joys of Haiti, of the season, and of the gift of dear friends.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I can't tell you how happy your blog makes me (and very convicted most times - thank you!). I love your girls so much and I just keep thinking - my Isaac would love them! he loves memory and candy and coloring. :)
