
12 December 2013

and I am thankful.

"When it rains, it pours!" doesn't have to mean rain is a bad thing!  When it's crazy, it's just all out crazy!  

Here's some pictures and videos from the EBS Christmas Championship and today's fabulous Christmas party!
I always love the "fill-the-coke-bottle-with-spit-water" game.  
So does Lily.  (Azi and Biga?  not so amused :)
So does all of Saccanville. 

Everyone on FB seems to be posting winter wonderland pictures this week.  Call me old or call me Haitian, but I would pick THIS over winter wonderland EVERY DAY for all of eternity.  
The trophy ceremony was a very big deal...but turns out Matt's phone doesn't take good pictures as soon as it starts to get dark.
Exhibit A.

This morning started with Lily back at the clinic with one of her very favorite people (seriously...she loves him), Dr. Rodney.  Double ear infection and "throat infection and stomach infection".  We're not really sure what that means....but we're back to antibiotics.
After my last class finished their final, Matt and Lily got back right in time for the Christmas Music Competition to begin.  This year, the top four student "artists" (singers) wrote original compositions and performed them today before a panel of judges and the student body.
 Phida's even included a little dance :)  And Brave in a Santa hat.  
We stopped trying to understand Haitian parties a long time ago.

We were all laughing SO hard.  REALLY fun.  Really cultural.  But really fun.

Then we headed to lunch and more partying!
Goat for lunch.  "Blackie", actually. 
The guys told some jokes, announced the winners from the singing competition and all the other competitions throughout the week, gave out prizes (THANK YOU, Kevin, for the shoes!  SUCH A HIT!), and thanked everyone for a great first semester.

All of the kitchen staff received a did the winners of the soccer teams.  And I know this seems dumb, but it was a really big deal.  I really appreciated the students taking the time to think of the kitchen staff, night watchmen, etc, and to honor them in this culture where public honor is such a big deal.

Simeon and Jean-Marie joined Junior as our three new staff members this year, and man alive, were they the right men for the job.  Their humility, energy, enthusiasm and dedication are just continually being poured out as they work under Claudin for Student Life.  (Claudin took this week off...I'll have an update tomorrow).
Add Belony to the mix?  We just feel really blessed by the staff of godly leaders God has brought together at Emmaus!  Our students watch and emulate them, and we can see the growth in the student body because of it.
This is such a random picture, but a moment I want to remember.  When all was said and done, there were two medals left that the students wanted to give Matt and I...but nothing is without it's speech.  They asked who wanted to share, and I was surprised to see Enick, a past graduate and pastor of Coup-a-David, jump for the mike.  

He was in our first class...and to hear him share with the students as an "ancient" about our seven years together, the beauty and home he has found at EBS, and his wisdom as a graduate was powerful and very touching to Matt and I both.  

He said many true things, but finished with this:  "Listen, they make such a huge sacrifice to leave their home countries and be here with us.  Let's thank them!"

I was surprised to find myself taking the mike from him (I hate speaking in front of people!) and sharing immediately from my heart:  
"I don't like it when you say that living among you is a great sacrifice.  It was a great sacrifice, that first day, getting on a plane and leaving everything we knew to come to Haiti.  But every day since, it has been an honor and a privilege and a blessing to live alongside of you.  We are blessed because you share our lives with us and we share our lives with you, for His glory.  Nothing else."

Seeing our students and fellow-staff, our family, nod in affirmation and new understanding was deeply meaningful for me--I'm so thankful for the chance to share with them what I so often share with you.

Living where He puts us is always a blessing, even if it looks like a great sacrifice to others.
When I got home I found this :)
Haylie was at the house while the girls napped, and Lily fell asleep entirely under the curtain.  THANKS AGAIN, Haylie!  Having an 11 year-old wonder-girl next door is a blessing, too!
While all this partying was happening, Farmer Phil (our landscape architect new neighbor from Jersey) put in this cool drip-irrigation system for his garden/nursery.  I'm no green thumb, but it IS really impressive.  He even did the whole thing--from tilling on--barefoot.  I'd say their family is adapting :)

EBS also has 9 or 10 pregnant goats right now, so the girls and I enjoy checking them out every few days and waiting on babies!
Yes, Sofie dresses herself.  We're at that stage.
Drip irrigation directly gives this baby pineapple plant 1/2 gallon of water every hour.
First semester...finished.  
Like Haiti and I, it's had it's ups and downs, it's joys and sorrows.  
But it's been good.

and I am thankful.

Thank you for praying us through!

1 comment:

  1. Have to say - Thank you both for being there. Your daily blog is always read, often shared, and prayed over. Hope Lily gets well soon. the "leg" picture is great! John L
