
15 November 2013

learning curve, with friends.

Our neighbors spent the whole day at the hotel and pool with their visitors.  Our other neighbors spent the day with their visitors painting their house caribbean pinks and blues.

We made our visitors throw up.

Not our proudest moment.
Several things I'm learning as they headed out this morning (and as I just learned, missed their bus.  of course.), still loving our little family and still thankful for the time we had...

1)  There's nothing like having friends who care about you.  Whether that is the people who have emailed or called or come by to check on us knowing that we were going through a hard time, whether it is your neighbor who squeals and hugs you when she hears you are feeling better (we love you, Hay), whether that is the friends I have yet to meet who send a fun care package at just the right time full of thoughtful and hilarious notes, or if it is the people, like Dodo and Bubba, who span the distance, love on your children, live some great (and not so great) moments with you, and still head out without complaint and loving you.

We seem tough, and I guess in a lot of ways we are.  But these simple acts of being prayed for, thought of, and loved on are bless-ed, and pondered, and stored up, and sweet water to our souls.  Thank you.

Even if they seem tough, or seem to have it all together, or aren't your closest friends...go love someone practically today.  It is meaningful.  

2)  Sometimes, you have to let your best be your best.  This is not easy for me.  I am a stereotypical Martha, going all out to love people the very best that I can.  That does not mean leftovers.  That means a home-cooked main and sides and bread and salad and dessert.  That does not mean going to bed at 8:30 with a box of Kleenex.  It means staying up late talking over coffee and warm cookies.  It definitely does not have anything to do with either kerosine or vomit.  Does not mean having someone else teach your classes.  Does not mean begging visitors to please go do something with the children.
But this week, my very best was something much more humble.  But it was still my very best.  And I still strove to do my very best (even working hard to REST) unto Him.  Now, I'm doing my very best to let all of that be ok.  If it's good enough for Him, how can I not let it be good enough for me?

Let your best be your best today, and pour it unto Him!
I did manage an apple pie, thanks to the Buzby's apple gift!  Mmmmmm...fall!
3)  He still is.  I know this seems obvious and overused.  But in the midst of all of the difficulties this week, I found SUCH comfort in His steadiness.  Such comfort in the fact that His Word was still THERE.  That His truth is still relevant.  That His ear was just a whisper away, His voice needing nothing more than a quiet moment.

I needed Him to be those things this week, especially in an "emotionally challenging" moment yesterday afternoon.  And you know what?  He was.  He is.

Others, try as they might, will often fail us, just as we will often fail them.  Our health, the health of those around us, well, we just can't count on it.  Plans will change, and so much will disappoint.

But He never has.  And it is in the hardest times I have found His strength so strong, His faithfulness so faithful, His love so loving.

If you're in a hard place, let Him lift up your eyes instead of focusing on our pain and disappointment. He still is.  And will be, IS, exactly what we need.

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