Yesterday, when we got home from all our errands and our family time at the pool, Elida was here, a fellow friend and missionary I hadn't seen yet since being back. Turns out she'd been here since 9:30 am (we pulled out at 9:20, unknowing), and had been waiting. For hours.
She had an armload of goodies, a change of clothes, and her ever faithful smile. She'd read our blog. She felt led to give her Saturday, and some of her precious things to us.
Animal crackers, some toothpaste, a razor, some hot chocolate mix. She was ready to help cook or clean or play with the girls or whatever, and beyond all that, what blessed me was her camera.
She pulled out a brand new camera and batteries, and explained that her old camera had pretty much gone haywire a few months ago, and she's been nursing it along, but shared that a few weeks ago her dad had sweetly gotten her this new camera, still in the box.
Elida gave it to me to use until/if our bag comes, knowing that my camera battery was dying (is now dead) and how much I love to capture shots of the girls and daily life.
"Yeah, but 'Lida, why aren't you giving me your OLD camera? This is your NEW camera. I'm not taking your brand new camera you've never used that was a gift from your dad because my charger is missing!"
But she wouldn't have it. Unlike us, she's BEEN in Haiti the last 2.5 months. In the heat of the summer. With limited supplies from the States. And yet tonight, I'm using her first fruits and we're eating her snacks, while she's using her old camera that only takes purple pictures and has a broken image screen.
She gave it to me because it was her very BEST.
And that's it. She gave me her very best when she never had to and had lots of reasons not to and I didn't even merit her best. But she didn't do it for me. It was for Him. So it was her best.
There's a LOT ahead this week, and the week after that? Heaven help me.
But you know what? I can decide to do each thing the very best that I can with all the love that He gives because of who He is. For HIM.
And He's promised that He CAN and WILL be glorified through EVEN every single glass of water served, if it is given in His way and in His love.
Which means that this week, from financially registering 60 students to registering my own little one for school, to visiting new babies to washing umpteen dishes, He can use me in a million ways to bring glory to His name.
THAT idea changes my outlook on a big week ahead.
He's asking our best, in e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. and promises that our heart in ALL of it matters to Him. and I, and all our little and big everyday things, can bless the very heart. of. GOD Almighty.
Even our cameras.
That's good news.
...What a sharp pain will go through us when we suddenly realize
that we could have produced complete and utter joy in the heart of Jesus
by remaining absolutely confident in Him, in spite of what we were facing...O. Chambers
How sweet and special Elida was to give of her best. Jesus in action not just word.....