
26 July 2013

What we miss and what we don't... What we will and what we won't!

If you're one of our "devotional blog readers"--you know--one of those people who jumps online with your morning coffee for something to reflect on throughout the day, this is not that post.

This is just a, in no particular order, musing of all the many things we are missing right now...along with all the things we WILL be missing soon!  If you don't live a "2 months of the year raising your salary and funds for a seminary and then pack for your life the other 10" life, you might be surprised by...

What We Miss
-of course, number one, hands down...people.  I deeply miss daily life with Micheline, Gertha, Noel, Granny, Junior, Shayla and Naomi, the staff and students, friends in the community.  Let's face it...I'm the butterfly...I miss EVERYONE.

Lily has asked for Noel, Junior, Micheline, Gertha, Asheline, Madame Nata, Abel, Maxi, Granny and the dogs, Boone and Ella, 100 times.
Sofie?  Baby Thalia (Gertha's almost 2-year old) at least every day.

 Matt is missing daily life with Vilmer, Lucner, Fanfan and Belo, being constantly cared for by Granny, Mona, MaCodo and MaAbel, along with the other staff and students.

-being HOME.  We all miss sleeping in our own beds, eating dinner around our family table on the sun porch, walks in the evening around the campus catching up with students, the girls miss their toys and books, the routine, friends popping in, cool open-air showers, and a generally slower pace.  Our family memories and growth has almost all happened in Haiti!  There's just no place like home.

-the work!  I've said it before...we LOVE our jobs!  While speaking and support-raising really has become a joy and privilege for our family, we LOVE teaching, working with students, leading Bible studies, having visitors in our home and around our table, joining students and friends in their churches and homes, etc.  We miss it, and are ready to get back at it!

-the routine.  You know how it is.  You can't WAIT for your kids to get out of school for summer vacation, but by now?  Way too many late nights and too many sweets (we've ALL gained our five pounds a piece) and traveling and crazy're ready for a routine again!  So are is WAY slower paced in Haiti, and while we were SO ready for a change in pace, we are SO ready again to get back to a more consistent and reliable daily life!

-the culture.  The more laid-back, relational culture in Haiti is one we miss!  Lots of spontaneous relationship-building, tons of life-invasiveneess, lots of chances to pour Him out openly, boldly and freely...bring it!

-uh, and yeah, we admit it.  We miss the beach.  No DQ, no zoos, no libraries, science museums, amusement parks, playgrounds, Targets, fairs, etc.  But we have an amazing beach :)

What We DON'T Miss
-the roads.
-the spiders.
-the rats.
-the dust.

-difficulty in finding and buying anything/everything, from groceries to school/office supplies to truck/house parts

-sweating, sweating, sweating.

-stuff breaking and being SO hard to fix.

-having very little to no alone time/down time.

-having to cook EVERYTHING from scratch ALL the time.  Pizza crust, bread for PB&J, rolls, English muffins, pretzels, ice cream, even MILK has to be made from powder or pasteurized!

-always feeling like there are 1000 things that need done/people who need seen/needs that need met.  They are His.  But we still are aware of and feel the burdens every moment.

-three words: organs for breakfast.   really not...not missing that.

What We Will Miss
-of course, number one, hands down, the people.  Just looking back at the many dear family we have been able to spend precious time with this summer already makes our hearts hurt.   Just to name a few...


-the dear dear dishwasher.  I haven't had a dishwasher in my life since 2001 when I left for college.  And oh, with guests most days of the week, piles of dishes from making everything from scratch, and a general hatred of dishwashing, I MISS a dishwasher every day.

-the dryer.  Absolutely not tied with the dishwasher, but still gets all the piles of laundry folded and done SO much faster!  You don't even know how many tiny socks you have until you have to hang out every single one...and during the rainy season?  Forget about it.  You're wearing dirty or wet clothes and everything else is hanging all around the ouse!

-the ease.  It's not that there is less heart-ache or less struggle in America.  But, man...getting home late and being able to call for pizza?  WOW.  Or drive through McDonalds... Having a bad tooth and being able to go to the dentist... A sick kid and head into the doctor... An email you need to send and internet access EVERYWHERE... Ran out of milk and you can stop at the gas station... Fussy kids and a playground to take them to! 

What We Won't Miss...

-all the traveling!  Our American life includes WAY too much time in the car...

-all the pressure for more.  When we are in Haiti, we're not thinking about "stuff".  And when we do, most often it's because we feel like we have too much.  We use as little as we can, re-use all that we can, and give away as much as we can.  I'm not even sure what all it is, but between all of the places to shop, entertainment revolved around buying, ads and commercials, it's so easy to feel like we should have or should want more-- not more of Him, but more of earthly stuff.  I HATE that.  The temptation to feel like I need anything other than Him is far less in a less-materialistic culture.

-I thought Sofie would miss taking baths in real bathtubs...but, turns out, she really likes taking baths in buckets :)  Win-Win!


  1. Loved reading this!! Made me feel I got to know you more :)

  2. organs for breakfast...ickh...yeah, that is one thing i DON'T miss either! but i do miss YOU, friend, glad i will see you soon! love you.

  3. True, True. ... but 5 lbs! That's it? Go out for dinner a few more times, I put on twenty!
