Phase One : Doctorate, is done for now, and we're off for Phase Two : Travel Travel Speak Speak Speak.
We have some exciting places ahead with some GREAT people, and would greatly love and appreciate your prayers during this typically crazy but blessed time.
How you can pray...
1) Safe and smooth travels. This next seven days alone we will cover 921 miles, and yes, we're taking the girls :) That means lots of "Olivia" (thank you, Dad, for letting us borrow your van WITH a DVD player), lots of snacks, lots of stops and lots of "Are we there yet?"s.
2) Joy and energy for the journey. Sharing our stories, speaking about Emmaus and Haiti, and testifying to all we see Him doing in Haiti and through our Haitian brothers and sisters is a downright joy. Opening the Word with brothers and sisters across America and this summer, Canada, is a gift we love and are passionate about. But it's easy, especially in the wake of a VERY full year in Haiti and lots of travel with little ones, to get weary. Please pray for our good health, good energy, and His joy to be full in us as we share.
3) Communication. We have the opportunity to share so much with so many this summer! Please pray for us as we do, that the Holy Spirit would speak clearly through us, that He would be glorified through our speech and presentations, and that the realities of ministry, Emmaus, and the Word would be clearly communicated.
4) Funding. As we shared near the end of May, Emmaus Biblical Seminary, it's students and our family are all in need of continued support and new support. As we continue to rely fully on God to meet each need, we'd ask for your prayers for Him to work in people's hearts and lives to come alongside Emmaus and what He's doing in Haiti.
5) The Gospel shared. Despite those funding needs, we don't talk all that much about money. And despite the hours we could talk about Haiti, Haiti, Haiti, we have a slightly different focus. All we really want to share is His Word and how we see it fleshed out. There are so many every summer who share with us their stories, their burdens, their heartbreaks and their situations, and we are affirmed each day in EVERY country that there continues to be a HUGE need for the Gospel to be boldly and directly and clearly preached. It is the Living Word that changes hearts, His Love Letter that speaks through the darkest nights.
We believe that fully, and would love your prayers for EVERY mission field these next seven weeks, that God would use us to share and live and show and preach His Word, through our speaking engagements, church services, potlucks, relationships, overnights, rest stops, late night drive-throughs, interaction with each other and our children...all of it.
6) Continued work in Haiti. Meanwhile, we are continuing to spend quite a bit of time each week on international calls to Haiti, emails from EBS staff and administration, planning with visiting professors for the fall, doing Seminary finances through email, checking up with good Haitian friends, working on budgets for board meetings, etc. While our EBS family in Haiti is doing a great job preparing for registration, enrolling new students and planning for the upcoming year, the president, marketing chick and financial lady still have their responsibilities, too! Can't be slacking :) Thank you for your continued prayers for incoming students, current students, staff and ministry of Emmaus!
THANK YOU for being our family in so many ways! A praying family is such a gift...we count on you. Thank you.
Praying for all of these things!!