
22 May 2013

and He Is.

Quick personal update...

Matt has arrived safely in England and will be meeting with his advisor tomorrow, Thursday.

After some irregularities popping up on Lily's bloodwork yesterday, we spent the whole morning at Children's Hospital meeting with two different doctors (one raised in Ghanna and one in India) discussing all the possibilities of issues and then doing more extensive bloodwork.  We are waiting still for those results and follow-up.

Between their three ear infections, what seems to be food poisoning from the weekend, colds and Lily's continued stomach issues, getting the girls to eat (anything!) and be happy (about anything!) has been full-time work!

So thankful for my dad's presence and patience, for the ability to wake up and TAKE sick kids to the doctor, and the lab, and the pharmacy, all in air conditioning, all in English, all with insurance, all on good roads, stop and grab lunch when we need to, finish more poking and prodding with a trip to the playground...  I mean, these are NOT small things.  These things are huge, and I can't help but feel incredibly sad and grateful all at the same time that I can DO that for my kids...take them to a great doctor and get them the help they need, and not even compromising groceries this week.

When I think of some of Lil's friends, some of my friend's kids, who just LIVE in a state of never feeling GOOD, whose reality is one of parasites, ringworm, malnutrition, complications, undiagnosed, untreated...

...and yet here I am tonight, same as everybody else tonight, touching rising and falling bellies and just asking Him to be Healer.

And He Is.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Stacey, I'm so thankful you are in the midst of great help, doctors and medicine. But so sad to hear how sick everybody has been. I am praying very much for God's healing and for Lily's blood work to come back encouraging.
    What a mix of emotions that must be swirling around in your mind!!! Also praying for strength AND good sleep for everybody! I know sick kids equals not so good nights.
    Anxious to hear about Lil's blood work. Love you bunches!!
