
24 April 2013

urgent family prayers

I have a post in the works, but suddenly here this morning we have something far more urgent for your prayers!

Junior left Monday for Port-au-Prince for the funeral of his father, which is tomorrow (Thursday).  We spent some time talking and praying with him before he went, knowing that he would have little to no support, would be asked to attend a voodoo focused funeral service, etc.  We prayed for this rare and heavy ministry opportunity for him, and he went.

This morning, he called both excited and emotional.  After much prayer, he approached the sister (the eldest of the 31) who is preparing everything for the funeral.  As is normal for someone who has been a well-known and powerful witchdoctor for decades, the local government was covering all the details for this service, dozens of witchdoctors are expected to attend, many government officials, and hundreds of followers.  The service was to be laden with voodoo tradition and as is common, fear and lies...two of the things Satan commonly uses.

Junior asked her apprehensively last night if she would be willing to throw out that whole plan, and let him do the funeral instead.  

I don't know why, but for whatever reason, she and the siblings--none in Christ--agreed.  The service couldn't be in a church, but if Junior wants to make all the arrangements for the service, he has permission.

"You know I'm going to preach the Gospel, right?" he warned.

They know.

Here at Emmaus we have 70 men and women, his family, who could sing and lead and preach and come around him...but it is TOMORROW, and it is in Port-au-Prince.

But, this is obviously a major opportunity to preach the Gospel to a VERY non-Gospeled crowd, many of whom have been so entrenched in the opposite of Christ for so long, I'm sure they have never had the chance to come near it.

He called to ask Matt to come and preach, and as nonsensical as Matt preaching a voodoo priest's funeral in Port-au-Prince tomorrow seems...Junior is family.  Though he is surrounded by 30 siblings and hundreds of cousins, nieces, and nephews, right now...he has none.

Please pray with and for us as we try to think this through and work things out, as we look at any possibility of having several people involved, and as we try to figure out how to make it possible.

What a door Junior's Father seems to have opened through the death of this once powerful, feared man...Junior's father.


  1. I am praying for Jesus Christ to provide all the discernment and wisdom that you need as plans and decisions are made. Junior was brave to ask and God answered... May His light shine brightly in this dark place.

    Continued prayers, love you all so much....

    1. If there's anything we all know about Junior, it's that he is BRAVE! Thank you, Aunt Lori!

  2. Wow Stacey! Have been praying for Junior but don't think I had the faith that God would open this door. Will be praying throughout the day that God will give Matt wisdom and unction as to what to do. Will be praying tomorrow for His Holy Spirit to bathe the funeral and snuff out the darkness and lies. Will be praying for protection and boldness too. Can't wait to hear how He moves and am already praising Him for the seeds that will be sown.

    1. Honestly, I didn't either Sue! As we prayed for him, we prayed for his witness and testimony in attending a voodoo funeral...I didn't even faithfully think to pray that the entire circumstance would be changed! Praise the Lord He doesn't only work in our box... Thanks for your prayers!

  3. Holy.cow!!!! This is SO not what I expected to read this morning, but oh my, I am so excited for him and what God is going to do through him. Although, I must admit that I'm feeling fearful and anxious for him for what He's about to do, because I know how I would be if it were me......"shaking in my boots!!" Afraid of saying the wrong thing.
    But, God is so much bigger than it all, so I know He will be the light through anybody exciting!! I am praying very much for Junior, you guys, and wide open hearts to receive His word. Can't wait to hear how it all goes!!

    I think I'm shocked this is happening! Which, tells me I need to do some praying about my heart as well....humbling.

  4. Wow this is AMAZING!! Praying praying for this to be covered and the Jesus would be completely glorified as he works thru Junior and Matt. So exciting Stace!
