
22 April 2013

need a nudge

There are probably a dozen more eloquent, conventional ways to say this, but…we’re family.  I’m just gonna come out with it.

We need help.

It’s true the school year is drawing to a close, but financially, we’re not gonna make it another 5 weeks of staying in the black. 

There is no money left for Bibles, and with a student-led revival starting at Belony’s church April 21st, missions trips over the summer in the works, Ezekiel and Ernst and Enick coming down from the mountains for supplies, and students working toupatou—everywhere—they are desperately needed.

There is no money left for food, and with 95% of our students in the work study program—raking leaves and gardening and weeding in exchange for food and dorms because they do not have the $8 a week we’re asking to pay for 21 meals, electricity, security and a bed—we’ve got no money coming in to buy it with.
There is no money left to pay our teachers and staff, our number one budget item, and with 19 on payroll and 5 adjunct professors and their families and churches and communities counting on month end…there HAS to be.
There is no money for graduation, and there are fourteen young men graduating, a huge church down the road and transportation to rent, a reception for families—some coming as far as Port-au-Prince—to pay for, and programs and invitations to print. 

There are so many students still unsponsored that the $2000 USD a year we needed to match their $500 a year to pay for all of these things is just. not. THERE…and so instead of our funding making it the whole year, we’re 90% done and have nothing available to finish.

We need a nudge.  A bit of help.  A few friends and family.  A boost. As a Seminary.  As a ministry.  As His body.  As Matt and Stacey, on behalf of EBS.

Wanna join a student as they study the Word, grow in their walks with Christ and minister in Haiti?  Will you?  This week?  (Full scholarship: $2000/year, Partial: any amount)

Wanna buy a box of Bibles for new and old believers who have NEVER had the Gospel throughout Haiti?  Will you?  Right now?  (Box of 24 Bibles, $192)
Wanna help EBS teach and share and preach the Word in Haiti, in any way needed?  We need your help currently...can you join us?  

You can express give online right now to 300300-Emmaus Biblical Seminary, or email us if you have any questions or want to get involved! A little bit from several people/classes/churches will go a long way right now!

We've come to you a thousand times over the last 7 years, asking for prayers and help with everything from language learning, potty training, culture pains and heart-broken friends.  

So thankful to have a family we can come to, again.  We are standing, as always, on His faithfulness and on your prayers!



  1. Stacy, I'm conferring with my husband and have put your post on the NorthRidge facebook page and my own. I am also praying!

  2. Praying Stace!!! (And talking to Joe)
