
09 March 2013

wrappin' up

We are exhausted, hallelujah, amen.

We have met some incredible people, built some great relationships, had some beautiful times of laughter, heard some great testimonies, eaten some fantastic food, and had some great opportunities to minister.  

We had a grand total of like an hour a day with our girls, and about the same amount of time with Dad and Lisa.  That's been hard.  However, Lisa and the girls have had a blast, spending time with gators and at the beach, playing on the playground, watching movies in bed, etc...great Auntie time.

As we prepared to speak this morning, we received a text that Matt's grandma had died, and adding that to the physical and emotional exhaustion of the last few days (and four of us sleeping in one bed=not much sleep), I wasn't sure how we were going to speak.  

And while it was an incredibly emotional morning, the Lord really helped Matt with his message, and I was really blessed to be a witness of the testimony of Matt's life, God's work, and theological training.  

God really blessed us with His leading during that time, and it was actually fun (yes) to have a chance to share some of the gifts He's given us with others.  This was just a really special group of people.

Tomorrow wraps the up the Presidential Gathering, and then Matt gets on a plane tomorrow evening for New Jersey.  Monday, the girls and I will make the drive back to Fort Pierce, and head back to Haiti Tuesday morning.  Mollie's memorial service will be Tuesday evening, and then hopefully Matt will join us back at our Haiti home on Thursday. 

Mollie was an incredibly special woman.  I'm so thankful to have gotten to know her these past years and so heartbroken to know our times of sitting with her, hearing her stories, loving on her and being in her life are over for now.  We love you, Mollie.

Thank you, Aunt Lisa, and thank you all for your continued prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww so sorry to hear about Matt's grandma!! We will be praying for you all!!
