
06 March 2013

I didn't know...

...that if it's been raining for days, your clothes HAD to be washed and had to be packed and you have no can dry clothes in the oven.  I baked all those babies, no fires, all dried and packed!  Point for ingenuity!  

(Friends from college will now bring up the last time I tried to get an appliance to serve an unattended purpose: dirty dishes + washing machine = not so good.  Now, it's been redeemed.  Hopefully)

...that it is ABSOLUTELY FREEZING in AMERICA.  I feel like I owe you all an apology.  I should NOT have been posting pictures of our balmy paradise for the last three-four months.  Of course, I had no warm clothes TO pack, so as everyone is running around in the low 50's this morning in jackets and jeans, we four were chattering in shorts and sun dresses, looking like bad parents of the year.

...that so many outlet malls and shopping centers could exist in one place.  Hundreds.  And you know what 90% of all of them are selling?  Clothes.  Stuff to put on your body.  For like a few hours at a time.  I just...   In the wake of the "Wood of the Low Humanity"...of Haiti...of the reality of the WORLD today.  I just don't know what to do with that.  Just because we can doesn't mean we should. 

...that Sofie is such a terribly "No Changes, Please" baby.  She won't sleep, won't stop whining, and won't stop begging, "GOOOOOOO."  Sometimes I swear God gave us Lily first KNOWING that we never would have HAD Sofie if He had given us HER first.  Know what I mean?  Lily was our born little traveller.  Sofie, she just wants HER crib, and nothing else.  
Lily on American soil: Thrilled.  Sofie: Why are we doing this?

If you are one of our Florida readers, and can't figure out where in the world the screams of "DADDY, GOOOOOO!" are coming from...look no further.

...that raspberries could be so special.  

Matt's in a prep meeting for tomorrow right now, Lily is napping, and Sofie's on bath #3 for the day, with the bathtub being on the only novelty keeping her happy!  Thank you for your continued prayers!


  1. We had two girls just like that - God definitely has a great sense of humor. Have a great time in Fla. Sorry I can't make it with Ron.

  2. "Just because we can doesn't mean we should" AMEN!!!!!!!!
