I would say I have never been so sick, but when I had that strand of cholera last year, THAT was the sickest I've ever been. So, we're going for second place strep throat.
Apparently, symptoms can be mild to severe, and thankfully, Lily had mild last week...small bumps all over the back of her sore throat, couldn't eat, fever. We nursed her back to health just in time for me to experience severe...body aches in my back, hips and knees likes nothing I've experienced outside of labor, fever, huge masses on the back of my throat, swollen glands, can't eat. Awfulness.
SO, if you've been waiting on an email or wondering what's up, there you go.
Sofie, to boot, is sick as I've seen her, but it doesn't seem to be strep...constant fevers, pouring nose, coughing, hoarse, and grouchy as all get out. The extreme unescapable heat hasn't helped either of us.
Put all that together, and you can imagine what these last days have looked like.
I heartily "AMEN" my post a few days ago about Gertha and Noel being family when family was terribly needed....here they are even now, walking with Sofie for hours to keep her from crying, cleaning, playing with Lily, laundry, bleaching all the toys....ah, without them and Matt (and a lot of Ibuprofen) we wouldn't have made it these past few days.
I've missed two days of work now and Sofie is so incredibly miserable...we'd greatly appreciate your prayers. Matt's home early to get us through today, and we're praying for a NEW, NEW day tomorrow...
My daddy is coming Saturday!!
Malcolm (and Matt) to the rescue! praying you all feel better soon.