
11 July 2012

why not?

You will teach My Word.

The voice startled him, interrupting his thoughts about what in the world he wanted to do with his life after his upcoming senior year.

Had he HEARD that out loud?  Or did it just suddenly command through his thoughts, boom through his streams of consciousness?  

What in the world?  Were the abundance of drinks from the night before messing with him, or had God just spoken to Matt?

"Tao-te-Ching" and "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" were scattered on the bed next to him, evidence of the newest fad in his constant quest for truth, and he was still exhausted from the night before and a 6 am swim practice.

Matt was no where close to walking with the Lord.  He wasn't even close to interested.  But there was no denying it...God still had a plan for his life, and whether Matt had consulted Him or not, God had just given it to him.


I caught myself thinking a few days ago that someone should really write down Matt's testimony.  It's a powerful and amusing one...speaking greatly of God's pursuit of His children, of what He can do in spite of them, and how He can use them for His glory!

There's so much to share with you when we're in Haiti about Haiti, so I've decided to take advantage of these last 2 weeks in the States to share that testimony (throughout a few posts) with you.  

If somebody should do it, why not me?