
06 March 2011

the journey of a disciple

Whew!  Busy weekend!  Last night Carol and Rick (visitors who used to be missionaries here who came for two weeks to help out) spent the evening with us and stayed overnight.  We had a great time with them and are so thankful for what they've done these two weeks, especially in the treasury.

Then tonight was the Bundy Annual Date Night, a supper hosted by Brett and Angie each year.  Tonight's theme was western, and we greatly enjoyed BBQ, potato salad, baked beans, apple turnovers, playing some games and being with several other couples that we rarely are able to spend time with.  Lily also had some 15 kiddos to play with, and had a blast!

But our big event of the weekend was finishing off class this morning.  It was bittersweet!

Even by the time I got to the church this morning, I could tell it was time...with the increasing heat, humidity, carrying my books, walking several blocks and being increasingly more pregnant, by the time I got to the church my head was spinning and I had to take a break before class!  I cannot lie: being able to stay in my pajamas, eat breakfast with my family, and play with Lily on Saturday mornings after not being able to do so for over a year will be REALLY nice.

However, as we worked through Luke and Acts, talking about the road to Emmaus when Jesus continued to teach the Gospel to the disciples, talking about Jesus's ascension, working through the giving of the Holy Spirit, I was truly and deeply sad to be finished.  We have all grown and taught and learned SO MUCH together!  THE WHOLE BIBLE, in fact!  These 14 months represent countless hours of study and good conversation and relationship building, and to be "done" today was just difficult.  Saying good-bye after all this was difficult.
Matt joining me for class for this past month has meant that Lily has gotten her taste of teaching the Bible.  Praying that she'll grow up to be a Jesus Freak.

Today, it was obvious.  We were not the same people today that we were a year ago.  As Matt worked through the second hour, sharing again the simplified version of become Christ followers, the class ALREADY KNEW.  It has WORKED.  The Bible has spoken for Him, and there was no clueless student this morning.

Every student KNEW what God wants of us, knew they were sinners, knew about Jesus, why God sent Him, what He came to do.  Everyone knew, not just what it MEANS to "convert", but what it means to truly be HIS, to truly follow and live for Him...knew that they don't have to be slaves to sin anymore.

They KNOW the whole truth of the Gospel.  Every question or idea Matt posed, unanimously everyone knew it.  Watching that from the back bench this morning, I was overwhelmed with the knowledge that this course, this idea has been a success.  I wanted to teach the whole truth. I wanted a group of random unbelievers to learn the whole truth and to have the opportunity to embrace it.  And despite ME and all the shortcomings that came through a faulty, foreign teacher, That happened.

Jackie and Jadeline gave a speech before presenting me with a thank you gift: a Haitian hand carved teapot, cups and tray.

While I waited for these men and women to make a decision for Christ today, I realized as Matt worked through Romans with them that many of them already HAVE.  Over this journey these 14 months, many of them made that decision.  Made their public professions of faith.  Changed how they were living.  As with all of us, salvation in Saccanville has been a process.

I was waiting for something to start today for everyone, and for several that talked to us afterwards, I believe that it did.  But for most, it has been obvious and was obvious today that they've BEEN following Christ for a while now...perhaps ever since they met Him in December, or perhaps ever since they met God throughout the Old Testament last year.

Penina has administered the class so that I could teach this year, and has proved to be a fantastic woman of God.

These men and women KNOW the Bible, perhaps better than most.  They KNOW God's plan for the world and for them, and THAT HAS changed them.  THAT has transformed them.  This group, as I said good-bye today, wasn't a group of converts, but a group of disciples.  Growing, listening, trying, learning, reading, studying, becoming, changing, leading, forming.

We started 14 months ago with 70 people...66 of which were professed non-Christians.  Most had never heard the Gospel, were either atheist, practicing Voodoo, or mildly following another religion.  30 graduated today, and I truly believe with my whole heart based on their fruit that 20 are not just following Christ, but are DISCIPLES of His.  THAT excites me to no end, and I am excited for Saccanville, and it's surrounding areas where these men and women, most involved in politics, education and business, live and work.

I'm excited that they are on journeys with a Teacher who never graduates them.  That they are studying a course that never finishes.  That they left today with a guide, a teacher, a friend and a Father who will continue to watch over them, call them, lead them, provide for them, stretch them and never abandon them.  The only one that did any "letting go" today was me.

I'm excited to be on that journey, too.  THANK YOU for all of your prayers throughout this time, for the several of you who walked that dirt road and came to class with me, and for all of your encouragement!


  1. yay! this is so great stace! thank you for being so faithful to go every saturday--it has so pleased the Lord and how awesome to see the fruit! now enjoy a few well-earned, lazy saturdays :)

  2. Praise the Lord!! I will be praying for your family to have quantity and quality time together and that you can enjoy some lazy Saturdays as well!!
    Hope u all have a blessed day!
    Regina Phillips

  3. Your faithfulness will be richly blessed and already has been by those who received our Lord and Savior. Thank you for serving the Haitian people.

  4. Well done good and faithful servant!

    I love you so much....
